Agency of communications and mass communications of Astrakhan region
Domain Information
The domain registered by Agency of communications and mass communications of Astrakhan region was initially registered in October of 2003 through RU-CENTER-RU. The hosted servers are located in Astrakhan', Astrakhan' within Russia which resides on the RIPE Network Coordination Centre network.
Agency of communications and mass communications of Astrakhan region
Server location:
Astrakhan', Russia (RU)
Create date:
Thursday, October 9, 2003
Expires date:
Sunday, October 9, 2016
AS49718 NTS-REAL-AS Nizhnevolzhskie Telecommunication Networks Real Ltd., RU
The domain has been seen to resolve to the following IP address.
“Портал органов власти Астраханской области”
SSL certificate subject:
CN=*, OU=PremiumSSL Wildcard, OU="Hosted by RU-Center (ЗАО ""Региональный Сетевой Информационный Це", OU=IT, O=State budget institution Infrastructural center of e-government, STREET="ul. sovetskaja, d. 15", L=Astrakhan, S=Astrakhan, PostalCode=414000, C=RU
SSL certificate issuer:
CN=RU-CENTER High Assurance Services CA 2, O=RU-Center (ЗАО Региональный Сетевой Информационный Центр), L=Moscow, S=Moscow, C=RU
Statistics above are for the previous month of December 2024.