Domain Information
The domain hypercam.soft32.com registered by I.T.N.T. SRL was initially registered in September of 2003 through ENOM, INC.. The domain hosts various software downloads. The hosted servers are located in Salem, Virginia within the United States which resides on the MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business network.
This Soft32 domain (part of the Soft32.com site) displays information for the software program hypercam as well as provides 'free' downloads managed through the Soft32's Download Manager (which might include potentially unwanted offers such as the AVG Toolbar).
Server location:
Virginia, United States (US)
Create date:
Monday, September 29, 2003
Expires date:
Monday, September 29, 2014
Updated date:
Monday, November 26, 2012
AS701 UUNET - MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business
The domain hypercam.soft32.com has been seen to resolve to the following 2 IP addresses.
File downloads found at URLs served by hypercam.soft32.com.
The following 37 files have been seen to comunicate with hypercam.soft32.com in live environments.
Likes: 4
Shares: 19
Comments: 4
US rank: 3,325
Global rank: 3,420
Backlinks: 13,086
Statistics are for the previous month (Alexa statistics are for entire soft32.com).