
PERFECT PRIVACY, LLC  (Proxy Registrant)

Domain Information

The domain ip72-198-118-220.ok.ok.cox.net is registered by proxy through Network Solutions, LLC and was originally registered in March of 1995. The hosted servers are located in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma within the United States which resides on the Cox Communications Inc. network.
Network Solutions, LLC

Server location:
Oklahoma, United States (US)

Create date:
Tuesday, March 14, 1995

Expires date:
Thursday, March 15, 2018

Updated date:
Thursday, November 27, 2014

AS22773 ASN-CXA-ALL-CCI-22773-RDC - Cox Communications Inc.,US

Root domain:

The domain ip72-198-118-220.ok.ok.cox.net has been seen to resolve to the following IP address.

October 6, 2015

File downloads found at URLs served by ip72-198-118-220.ok.ok.cox.net.