Jonny Ken Itaya - ME
Domain Information
The domain migre.me registered by Jonny Ken Itaya - ME was initially registered in January of 2009 through GoDaddy.com, LLC R41-ME. The hosted servers are located in Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo within Brazil which resides on the Latin American and Caribbean IP address Regional Registry network.
Jonny Ken Itaya - ME
GoDaddy.com, LLC R41-ME (146)
Server location:
Sao Paulo, Brazil (BR)
Create date:
Friday, January 30, 2009
Expires date:
Tuesday, January 30, 2018
Updated date:
Monday, January 12, 2015
The domain migre.me has been seen to resolve to the following IP address.
September 3, 2014
File downloads found at URLs served by migre.me.
The following file have been seen to comunicate with migre.me in live environments.
Google Analytics:
“Migre.me - Encurte sua URL e veja os links compactados mais clicados e retuitados”
“Migre.me - Portal com os links mais clicados, compactador de URL, bookmark, estatisticas de links no twitter, etc”
Web server:
Apache/2.2.14 (Ubuntu) (PHP/5.3.2-1ubuntu4.30)
Likes: 496
Shares: 2,535
Comments: 284
Statistics above are for the previous month of November 2024.