Yan Bilik
Domain Information
The domain pourpre.com registered by Yan Bilik was initially registered in January of 2000 through GANDI SAS. The hosted servers are located in Roubaix, Nord-Pas-De-Calais within France which resides on the RIPE Network Coordination Centre network.
Server location:
Nord-Pas-De-Calais, France (FR)
Create date:
Thursday, January 13, 2000
Expires date:
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Updated date:
Friday, December 6, 2013
AS16276 OVH OVH Systems
The domain pourpre.com has been seen to resolve to the following IP address.
February 3, 2014
File downloads found at URLs served by pourpre.com.
The following 38 files have been seen to comunicate with pourpre.com in live environments.
“pourpre.com - les mondes de la couleur, les couleurs du monde”
“Tout sur la couleur: dictionnaire des couleurs, outils pour manipuler les couleurs, articles sur la couleur, jeux et illusions, modeles et nuanciers de couleurs.”
Web server:
Apache (PHP/4.4.9)
Likes: 81
Shares: 132
Comments: 117
Global rank: 394,033
Backlinks: 657
Statistics above are for the previous month of December 2024.