Domain Information

This domain by Conduit is a gateway for publishers to ditribute Counduit powered toolbar by providing publishers a customized web page for direct download of the toolbar. This domain has been seen distributing various forms of adware (some being very aggressive) directly or via bundled installations. The hosted servers are located in San Mateo, California within the United States which resides on the Conduit USA, Inc. network. The domain is associated with the publisher Conduit Ltd. who is located in Ness Ziona, Israel.
Server location:
California, United States (US)

AS56473 CONDUIT-NL Conduit Connect B.V.

Registered by:

The domain has been seen to resolve to the following 2 IP addresses.

January 6, 2014

November 22, 2013

December 2, 2014

November 29, 2014

August 15, 2016

February 12, 2014

April 14, 2016