
Domain Information

Server location:
Region Metropolitana, Chile (CL)

AS16874 SONDA S.A., CL

Root domain:

The domain ww2.educarchile.cl has been seen to resolve to the following 2 IP addresses.

May 17, 2016

August 27, 2015

File downloads found at URLs served by ww2.educarchile.cl.

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http://ww2.educarchile.cl/UserFiles/P0001/.../Guia1_ tipos_de_argumentos.doc  (03d20510-9595-9481-349b-36c7d63ff33a_1d1d2d8a00301f1)

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http://ww2.educarchile.cl/UserFiles/P0029/.../DL02.zip  (f3b76bcc2feea38bee8fc15e8c7aa1df)

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