
Domain Information

Server location:
T'Ai-Wan, Taiwan (TW)

AS4782 GSNET Data Communication Business Group, TW

Root domain:

The domain www.cp.gov.tw has been seen to resolve to the following IP address.

June 27, 2016

File downloads found at URLs served by www.cp.gov.tw.

0 / 68
https://www.cp.gov.tw/Portal/.../AAAuthClientHiCOS.cab  (ca8efed6-7dee-c145-a54e-e1a1750fd685_1d1d9b94772444a)

0 / 68
https://www.cp.gov.tw/Portal/.../GetICCertHiCOS.cab  (3c68f44c-adfe-83a2-7299-1d8bfdb8316f_1d1d9b991947f86)

0 / 68
http://www.cp.gov.tw/.../HiCOS Client v2.1.9.1u.zip  (ad96725a2368283f971021b36ef83ea1)