
Domain Information

Server location:
Hamerkaz, Israel (IL)

AS9116 GOLDENLINES-ASN 012 Smile Communications Main Autonomous System, IL

Root domain:

The domain www.nex.co.il has been seen to resolve to the following IP address.

May 30, 2016

File downloads found at URLs served by www.nex.co.il.

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http://www.nex.co.il/?downloads=89  (real_backgammon.exe)

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http://www.nex.co.il/?downloads=78  (batman_arkham_asylum_demo_jouable_1_multi-langues_294916.exe)

1 / 68

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http://www.nex.co.il/?downloads=87  (msdownloaderv83.exe)

0 / 68
http://www.nex.co.il/?downloads=79  (fifa10_pc_demo_ec.exe)

0 / 68