
Domain Information

Server location:
Islamabad, Pakistan (PK)

AS7590 COMSATS Commission on Science and Technology for, PK

Root domain:

The domain www.pprasindh.gov.pk has been seen to resolve to the following IP address.

April 21, 2016

File downloads found at URLs served by www.pprasindh.gov.pk.

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http://www.pprasindh.gov.pk/.../27179EEEduJamsh290316.zip  (6f6b6e95e5b731b729e364d82f738f1f)

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http://www.pprasindh.gov.pk/.../28430EEEduIIKhi110516.zip  (f0af0a4914b1a8a829c958d65137bb67)

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http://www.pprasindh.gov.pk/.../27301EEPBDHyd050416.zip  (03c33f2a95c996c91adef7fc271dbd9f)

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The following file have been seen to comunicate with www.pprasindh.gov.pk in live environments.