
Domain Information

Server location:
Hong Kong (Sar), Hong Kong (HK)

AS9381 NEWTT-IP-AP Wharf T&T Ltd.,HK

Root domain:

The domain www.sharp.com.hk has been seen to resolve to the following IP address.

May 5, 2015

File downloads found at URLs served by www.sharp.com.hk.

0 / 68

0 / 68
http://www.sharp.com.hk/html/.../AR-6020 BM Utility.exe  (0765ea58275437d207fa1f0c966a1609)

1 / 68      (inconclusive)

0 / 68
http://www.sharp.com.hk/html/.../Sharpdesk 3.3 USB.exe  (6df6f1c311d0c1c821c0b303cde77e23)

0 / 68

0 / 68

0 / 68

1 / 68

2 / 68
http://www.sharp.com.hk/html/.../T1_B01_PCL6_0902a_EnglishUS_2kxpVista.exe  (arxx-mxxx_drv_pcl6-win2k-xp-vista-2k3-2k8-ver0902a_gb.exe)