Zepetto Co
Domain Information
The domain zepetto.com registered by Zepetto Co was initially registered in July of 2003 through GABIA, INC.. The hosted servers are located in Seoul, Seoul within Korea which resides on the Asia Pacific Network Information Centre network.
Server location:
Seoul, Korea (KR)
Create date:
Friday, July 4, 2003
Expires date:
Tuesday, July 4, 2017
Updated date:
Thursday, July 31, 2014
AS3786 LGDACOM LG DACOM Corporation, KR
The domain zepetto.com has been seen to resolve to the following IP address.
Google Analytics:
“Welcome to the official website of Zepetto, a leading game company renowned for the smash hit FP..”
Likes: 8
Shares: 36
Comments: 4
Statistics above are for the previous month of January 2025.