
Optimal Software s.r.o.

The application pcsusd.exe by Optimal Software s.r.o has been detected as a potentially unwanted program by 1 anti-malware scanner with very strong indications that the file is a potential threat. It runs as a scheduled task under the Windows Task Scheduler. Additionally, the file is typically installed by a number of programs including Zrychlenie PC by Speedchecker Limited and Acelerar el PC by Speedchecker Limited, both potentially unwanted software.
Optimal Software s.r.o.  (signed and verified)




Scanner detections:
1 / 68

Potentially unwanted

Analysis date:
12/27/2024 5:34:59 AM UTC  (today)

Scan engine
Engine version

Reason Heuristics
PUP.Speedchecker.OptimalS.Meta (L)

File size:
396.3 KB (405,800 bytes)

File type:
Executable application (Win32 EXE)

Common path:
C:\Program Files\pc speed up\pcsusd.exe

Digital Signature
DigiCert Inc

Valid from:
10/31/2012 2:00:00 AM

Valid to:
11/5/2014 2:00:00 PM

CN=Optimal Software s.r.o., O=Optimal Software s.r.o., L=Český Těšín, C=CZ

CN=DigiCert High Assurance Code Signing CA-1, OU=www.digicert.com, O=DigiCert Inc, C=US

Serial number:

File PE Metadata
Compilation timestamp:
4/8/2012 8:37:51 AM

OS version:

OS bitness:

Windows GUI

Linker version:

CTPH (ssdeep):

Entry address:

Entry point:
E8, 9E, 79, 00, 00, E9, 89, FE, FF, FF, 8B, FF, 55, 8B, EC, 8B, 45, 08, 33, C9, 3B, 04, CD, 58, C4, 45, 00, 74, 13, 41, 83, F9, 2D, 72, F1, 8D, 48, ED, 83, F9, 11, 77, 0E, 6A, 0D, 58, 5D, C3, 8B, 04, CD, 5C, C4, 45, 00, 5D, C3, 05, 44, FF, FF, FF, 6A, 0E, 59, 3B, C8, 1B, C0, 23, C1, 83, C0, 08, 5D, C3, E8, 9D, 5F, 00, 00, 85, C0, 75, 06, B8, C0, C5, 45, 00, C3, 83, C0, 08, C3, E8, 8A, 5F, 00, 00, 85, C0, 75, 06, B8, C4, C5, 45, 00, C3, 83, C0, 0C, C3, 8B, FF, 55, 8B, EC, 56, E8, E2, FF, FF, FF, 8B, 4D, 08...


Code size:
299.5 KB (306,688 bytes)

Scheduled Task
Task name:
PC SpeedUp Service Deactivator

Idle (Runs when idle)

pcsusd.exe \dev0 \idle

The file pcsusd.exe has been discovered within the following programs.

Accelerer PC  by Speedchecker Limited
56% remove it
Acelerar el PC  by Speedchecker Limited
Publisher's description - “PC Speed Up will scan your PC and search for settings, processes and files that are slowing down your performance before it uses number of effective tools to optimise your computer.”
68% remove it
PC Speed Up  by Speedchecker Limited
Publisher's description - “Do you feel that your PC does not work as it used to? The reason may be one or more problems acting together. The problem nowadays is that it is very difficult and time consuming to monitor and take care of your PC.”
69% remove it
Velocidade Do PC  by Speedchecker Limited
48% remove it
Zrychleni Pocitace  by Speedchecker Limited
Publisher's description - “Using one-click, PC Speed Up will make your network settings, hard disc, memory and CPU optimised and will improve the overall performance. Fast and easy to use PC Speed Up will clean your PC and will make it run faster.”
70% remove it
Zrychlenie PC  by Speedchecker Limited
Zrychlenie PC is a PC optimization program that is supposed to increase the speed of computer by removing invalid entries the computer's registry.
81% remove it
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