Publisher Information
四川迅游网络科技有限公司 is a software publisher located in 四川省, China*. There is one additional code signing certificate issued to this publisher.
Valid from:
1/28/2010 8:00:00 AM
Valid to:
1/29/2011 7:59:59 AM
CN=四川迅游网络科技有限公司, OU=Class 3 - for Microsoft Authenticode Signing, O=四川迅游网络科技有限公司, L=成都市, S=四川省, C=CN
CN=WoSign Code Signing Authority, O="WoSign, Inc.", C=US
Serial number:
No known positive detections
0 / 68
js.dll (c3e45e29f0e64ccfb36d6ce2d9d565f9)
The following certificate is also signed by 四川迅游网络科技有限公司.
* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to 四川迅游网络科技有限公司 by WoSign, Inc. on January 28, 2010 with the serial number '00a3e5a5bd5e5efef4b4e6913efeee3bf2'.