ИНФС России по г. Симферополю
Publisher Information
ИНФС России по г. Симферополю is a software developer located in г. Симферополь, Республика Крым in Russia*.
Federal Tax Service
Valid from:
8/19/2015 9:51:00 AM
Valid to:
8/19/2016 10:00:00 AM
SN=Кулиев, G=Эдуард Фирудинович, STREET="ул. Мате Залки, д.1/9", CN=ИНФС России по г. Симферополю, O=ИНФС России по г. Симферополю, L=г. Симферополь, S=Республика Крым, C=RU, ИНН=007707831115, ОГРН=1147746392090, СНИЛС=18283169695
CN=FNS Russia, O=Federal Tax Service, L=Moscow, C=RU, E=mns12705@nalog.ru, S=г. Москва, STREET=ул. Неглинная д. 23, ИНН=007707329152, ОГРН=1047707030513
Serial number:
No known positive detections
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* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to ИНФС России по г. Симферополю by Federal Tax Service on August 19, 2015 with the serial number '77a48aec000200019545'.