Acon AS

Publisher Information

Acon AS is a software developer located in Oslo, Norway*. Thre are 3 additional code signing certificates issued to this publisher.

Valid from:
11/23/2015 1:00:00 AM

Valid to:
11/23/2018 12:59:59 AM

CN=Acon AS, OU=Acon Digital, O=Acon AS, POBox=Acon AS, STREET=Sørkedalsveien 273, L=Oslo, S=Oslo, PostalCode=0754, C=NO

CN=COMODO RSA Code Signing CA, O=COMODO CA Limited, L=Salford, S=Greater Manchester, C=GB

Serial number:

No known positive detections

Scan engine

Reason Heuristics
PUP.InstallCore.CSH (L)

0 / 68
unins000.exe  (fc1f6ae4b5fa0024bea44b584e245d7f)

0 / 68
reverb solo.tmp  (268e6434ff08b59f2551ca409a3237d5)

1 / 68      (PUP)

0 / 68
denoise.dll (DeNoise by Acon Digital)  (d1c539f372bc74a381573e507623c9b2)

0 / 68
dehum.dll (DeHum by Acon Digital)  (fef1d8d7cf10d60454468d53c5e695c0)

0 / 68
declip.dll (DeClip by Acon Digital)  (2b0a530ed38f1c3de3c29b5b68099377)

0 / 68
declick.dll (DeClick by Acon Digital)  (4712974cc31190b86ae21a695dde7dab)

0 / 68
unins000.exe  (e19be8175fecaacf34d3de53527e71f4)

0 / 68
denoise.dll (DeNoise by Acon Digital)  (f3d4f7d4ec6204ca74162ed6372c7f97)

0 / 68
dehum.dll (DeHum by Acon Digital)  (1f4e2024d201fb4b0b78ee4be834730c)

0 / 68
declip.dll (DeClip by Acon Digital)  (b879da5716d176ccf2d1aec794459b60)

0 / 68
declick.dll (DeClick by Acon Digital)  (29d0d7a34d383b5c03debaad1c81a7d4)

0 / 68
unins000.exe  (24bad75c9d67a2c8c4ff590a8e6d951d)

0 / 68
unins000.exe  (0e8d1f0925441a66a5bea546c07dcbd3)

0 / 68
reverbsolo.dll (ReverbSolo by Acon Digital)  (a7634fd161173caa08c6ef538b8503c5)

0 / 68
reverbsolo.dll (ReverbSolo by Acon Digital)  (605d2615bd244446afb09b118be22862)

0 / 68
denoise.dll (DeNoise by Acon Digital)  (955ae50e48e4a72eacd568af1bbeda1a)

0 / 68
dehum.dll (DeHum by Acon Digital)  (373b7aab05fc44f1be2ae1bd2038aa38)

0 / 68
declip.dll (DeClip by Acon Digital)  (a12c6180994ccd1a03dfaead7038a38d)

0 / 68
declick.dll (DeClick by Acon Digital)  (a749205bae648e954a20ff11dc9d9d42)

0 / 68
denoise.dll (DeNoise by Acon Digital)  (ee616d498b459f5745266e3518fc7643)

0 / 68
dehum.dll (DeHum by Acon Digital)  (7a3b31a9c23480912378c4a87f083566)

0 / 68
declip.dll (DeClip by Acon Digital)  (dd3cff1275d9e2f26bfc3f21da0f71fd)

0 / 68
declick.dll (DeClick by Acon Digital)  (236c12b0ba2bc19991782353cd093a32)

0 / 68
restorationsuite_win32_1_7_2.tmp  (b00fe22ac8ed7928c2837a3fa162fa96)

Latest 30 of 54 files

Downloads URLs for files signed by Acon AS.

0 / 68

0 / 68

0 / 68  (155738c97f741ae093bb4ea43d07ad6e)

The certificates below are also signed by Acon AS.

3A162E1E73DD553FD88A5131B401F0B1  (Oct 27, 2014 to Jan 06, 2016)

271FD21057E99C812839F70BC94C3A98  (Nov 22, 2013 to Jan 06, 2015)

65FE01EB80280EC9D2459ECAD2C85CE6  (Jan 06, 2012 to Jan 06, 2014)

* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to Acon AS by COMODO CA Limited on November 23, 2015 with the serial number '458f8c60015e9aba4ab66c9cb299b3de'.