AGG Software

Publisher Information

AGG Software is a software publisher located in Russia*. Thre are 4 additional code signing certificates issued to this publisher.
GlobalSign nv-sa

Valid from:
6/15/2007 6:52:33 PM

Valid to:
6/15/2010 6:52:33 PM

Subject:, CN=AGG Software, O=AGG Software, C=RU

CN=GlobalSign ObjectSign CA, OU=ObjectSign CA, O=GlobalSign nv-sa, C=BE

Serial number:

No known positive detections

Scan engine

Quick Heal
(Suspicious) - DNAScan

0 / 68

0 / 68
aspmon.exe (Advanced Serial Port Monitor by AGG Software)  (da2c5353d7ffad71bd61bdb0f1e9de9a)

0 / 68
pbxlogger.exe (Advanced PBX Data Logger by AGG Software)  (0107c5d95a9395e19b12474197888bb7)

0 / 68
aumtools.exe  (b989e1671db92ad3f2a1a757d28a71b7)

0 / 68
vnullmodsrvps.dll  (6320871b43652f9a6b36ad0d032d8d80)

0 / 68
vnullmodsrvps.dll  (3debc0bb58ab8c745c04c4ed5f0499b1)

0 / 68

0 / 68
vnullmod.exe (Virtual Null Modem by AGG Software)  (aeb8bf36f5a0f739bbac23d632b9e86f)

0 / 68
comstresstest.exe (COM Port Stress Test by AGG Software)  (921db2c03c6b8f0ab004578690835d6f)

0 / 68

0 / 68
cncsyn.exe (CNC Syntax Editor by AGG Software)  (c97462a6cec4e9c705d2cedfa037ac62)

0 / 68
aipdlog_ax.ocx (TCP/IP logger ActiveX by AGG Software)  (dd3bb3e659e004b1d79185acb77a89b9)

Latest 30 of 84 files

Downloads URLs for files signed by AGG Software.

0 / 68  (0aaeb05e083ea703e72f19352f9dd0fc)

The certificates below are also signed by AGG Software.

1121BDF56A5BD6E2280AC89D89CBFD91214A  (Mar 14, 2014 to Jun 14, 2017)

0100000000013079C3B574  (Jun 10, 2011 to Jun 10, 2014)

4F7DF9CD87E3A82B68E5869443CB0D2D  (Jun 11, 2010 to Jun 12, 2011)

010000000001127AF68246  (May 11, 2007 to May 11, 2010)

* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to AGG Software by GlobalSign nv-sa on June 15, 2007 with the serial number '01000000000113304ce883'.