Alexander Avdonin

Publisher Information

Alexander Avdonin is a software developer located in Saint Petersburg, Russia*. Thre are 3 additional code signing certificates issued to this publisher.

Valid from:
3/5/2008 8:00:00 AM

Valid to:
3/6/2009 7:59:59 AM

CN=Alexander Avdonin, O=Alexander Avdonin, STREET=Menshikovsky pr. 3-25, L=Saint Petersburg, S=Saint Petersburg, PostalCode=195067, C=RU

CN=UTN-USERFirst-Object, OU=, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Salt Lake City, S=UT, C=US

Serial number:

Inconclusive detections from multiple engines

Scan engine

Reason Heuristics
Win.HiddenStart (M)

Vba32 AntiVirus
suspected of Win32.BrokenEmbeddedSignature

Win32/HiddenStart.A potentially unsafe application

Bkav FE

0 / 68
uninst.exe (WinSnap by NTWind Software)  (5971a94b8d305b6c4a00bd7d5d6e199c)

0 / 68
WinSnap.exe (WinSnap by NTWind Software)  (ae43c774c76378bf9091b35b3f3546a5)

0 / 68
WinSnap.exe (WinSnap by NTWind Software)  (e3d66dd3f91f8cf2c6ca8225dbcf9a02)

0 / 68
setup.exe (WinSnap by NTWind Software)  (64a7945aa20a444bf68df1bef91acd56)

0 / 68
uninst.exe (WinSnap by NTWind Software)  (407d670c56bbd457d06d31d15fb14a54)

0 / 68
WinSnap.exe (WinSnap by NTWind Software)  (987fa5bbda712fae967a37443c44164c)

0 / 68
WinSnap.exe (WinSnap by NTWind Software)  (975fcd4c8cf9d984d13a7870b4352efb)

0 / 68
winsnap_2.1.4.exe (WinSnap by NTWind Software)  (7bfbc40fc41220589bb0b7e40cce53a8)

0 / 68
WinSnap.exe (WinSnap by NTWind Software)  (b767b1ce4f191173587efb85197563f0)

0 / 68
winsnap_2.1.6-gdiplus.exe (WinSnap by NTWind Software)  (1e0b178d0a363e0ce5fb2be7b237fc40)

0 / 68
WinSnap.exe (WinSnap by NTWind Software)  (0201ae907e4aef26293adbdcc3124dfd)

0 / 68
WinSnap.exe (WinSnap by NTWind Software)  (ed6a7f5d7c825edb975966cda854e2e5)

0 / 68
WinSnap.exe (WinSnap by NTWind Software)  (eb244dca40c910f35d6710ed8df46644)

0 / 68
WinSnap.exe (WinSnap by NTWind Software)  (5432e977fe2f9e6f954f68bce6b2f5b0)

0 / 68
WinSnap.exe (WinSnap by NTWind Software)  (9ac63327b4d6eb90d6ce62713c2eb3ad)

0 / 68
winsnap_2.1.3.exe (WinSnap by NTWind Software)  (62357214a39acc0665d1585c270a27a5)

0 / 68
WinSnap.exe (WinSnap by NTWind Software)  (0b23941640f14dfdb9efa2fdb4ccfdce)

0 / 68
winsnap_2.1.4.exe (WinSnap by NTWind Software)  (8174764aff1724baefc5a381ab118e3d)

0 / 68
WinSnap.exe (WinSnap by NTWind Software)  (7506bdb143339c7beddc38e368d4cf0b)

0 / 68
WinSnap.exe (WinSnap by NTWind Software)  (aa6acfba062c5394e49ecadd285560cf)

0 / 68
advconfig.exe  (08b89e6a36bd5f0590387bc671a5f92f)

0 / 68
WinSnap.exe (WinSnap by NTWind Software)  (452d955375d021a06237758b497d0590)

1 / 68      (Malware)
hide.exe (hstart by NTWind Software)  (bdf8f35f864bc598ec7cc859f389c8f9)

0 / 68
WinSnap.exe (WinSnap by NTWind Software)  (a942c3628ca22b2a5108c831551fb1db)

0 / 68
WinSnap.exe (WinSnap by NTWind Software)  (13d3fb90beb507e677d3bcc795334369)

1 / 68      (Malware)
hstart.exe (hstart by NTWind Software)  (6a702ad28268fdfdf8e011c7d43c0201)

0 / 68
WinSnap.exe (WinSnap by NTWind Software)  (d304f242e6697e3135e1372dd67c39eb)

0 / 68
WinSnap.exe (WinSnap by NTWind Software)  (0e98616ddc3797c5dcf0741a2997cbb1)

1 / 68
WinSnap.exe (WinSnap by NTWind Software)  (dbe2d143efefee92f578bb4aa093dc7e)

1 / 68
winsnap_2.1.1.exe (WinSnap by NTWind Software)  (1113e2bd4a2920a0a621bdef77e3df2e)

Latest 30 of 70 files

The certificates below are also signed by Alexander Avdonin.

0CF1F3DD67017040C6C52F66A828FCCC  (Mar 21, 2012 to Mar 22, 2015)

00892D471E307BE639C0891510EAC91570  (Mar 12, 2009 to Mar 12, 2012)

3E5ABF29BA6BBDFBC0CB1793FE97875A  (Feb 27, 2007 to Feb 28, 2008)

* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to Alexander Avdonin by The USERTRUST Network on March 05, 2008 with the serial number '5148165b2dfbc91c7b9ba114a45f7cf2'.