Alterdata Tecnologia em Informática LTDA

Publisher Information

Alterdata Tecnologia em Informática LTDA is a software publisher located in Teresópolis, Rio De Janeiro in Brazil*. There is one additional code signing certificate issued to this publisher.

Valid from:
3/14/2016 9:00:00 PM

Valid to:
6/22/2017 8:59:59 PM

CN=Alterdata Tecnologia em Informática LTDA, OU=IT, O=Alterdata Tecnologia em Informática LTDA, STREET="Rua Prefeito Sebastiao Teixeira, 227", L=Teresópolis, S=Rio de Janeiro, PostalCode=25953200, C=BR

CN=COMODO RSA Code Signing CA, O=COMODO CA Limited, L=Salford, S=Greater Manchester, C=GB

Serial number:

No known positive detections

Scan engine

Reason Heuristics
PUP.InstallCore.CSH (L)

1 / 68      (PUP)
sintegra.exe (Sintegra by  (036f8cf593fbd3466208e17121859cbf)

0 / 68
CRM.exe (by Alterdata Software)  (ec36764af86f4474cb482eca87f9b06f)

0 / 68

0 / 68
w9xpopen.exe  (97c14f12fb89281c6cab6be105453147)

0 / 68
WebSocket4Net.dll (WebSocket4Net)  (9f0bcb3a7a669f894dcaf8ee4c5eb785)

0 / 68
ViperaIOClient.dll (ViperaClient by Alterdata Software)  (cbbe1d29a60a9d2e2fb41706cb5533bf)

0 / 68
UpdaterServer.dll (UpdaterServer by Alterdata)  (ae75612907a0d6cdb4dbd881e4ea7224)

0 / 68

0 / 68
UpdaterPOCO.dll (POCO by Alterdata Software)  (4e57a72b51c462e7790d87ca2b67a9f3)

0 / 68
UpdaterManager.exe (UpdaterManager by Alterdata Software)  (9d56cdd953efa416afb2bcf583a0b65c)

0 / 68
UpdaterDAL.dll (UpdaterDAL)  (ee120695790f194413e6257a8ff89366)

0 / 68
UpdaterClient.dll (UpdaterClient by Alterdata)  (9b6dd7d632bfe5882b4b7873408c2ab3)

0 / 68

0 / 68

0 / 68
SignalR.dll (by David Fowler, Damian Edwards)  (6be0ce526a837e8a097da35116e569c9)

0 / 68
Seguranca.dll (RSAx by Alterdata Software)  (3109a1e8a3e6343eb04797bc6eb739e7)

0 / 68
Repositorio.dll (DataRepositorio by Alterdata Software)  (30772ff8240f2e3266ee9143c06e61f4)

0 / 68
PusherClient.dll (PusherDotNetClient by Microsoft)  (c9e80c2f86cffc1ae425cf232202f801)

0 / 68
Newtonsoft.Json.dll (Json.NET by Newtonsoft)  (da2b541bf89dcd3f874f5cba48dfceb7)

0 / 68
Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Client.dll (by Microsoft)  (9624527e5afbeb89274dd8c8f21401e0)

0 / 68
Commom.dll (Commom Library by Alterdata Software)  (833e0886df8d0a96d4b79aa1fa586ae6)

0 / 68
BonjourListener.dll (BonjourListener)  (7ec1f2d8230560d64927d2ea983eee72)

0 / 68

0 / 68

0 / 68

0 / 68 (System.Data.SQLite)  (dec6c9cb7327c665ae0bb1a5af724343)

0 / 68
AltShop_NFe2_v613_2.bpl (by Alterdata Software)  (02f765d1830fba83bc89a7f18319869d)

Latest 30 of 6,248 files

The following certificate is also signed by Alterdata Tecnologia em Informática LTDA.

10BB49A2A79177CB146503B0333B0C95  (Jun 22, 2014 to Jun 22, 2017)

* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to Alterdata Tecnologia em Informática LTDA by COMODO CA Limited on March 14, 2016 with the serial number '00f1cc6207870b0bb98164a9d5ae0c0072'.