Artifex Mundi sp. z o.o.

Publisher Information

Artifex Mundi sp. z o.o. is a software publisher located in Zabrze, Slaskie in Poland*. There is one additional code signing certificate issued to this publisher.
GlobalSign nv-sa

Valid from:
4/15/2015 5:43:02 PM

Valid to:
6/11/2018 5:05:28 PM

Subject:, CN=Artifex Mundi sp. z o.o., O=Artifex Mundi sp. z o.o., L=Zabrze, S=Slaskie, C=PL

CN=GlobalSign CodeSigning CA - SHA256 - G2, O=GlobalSign nv-sa, C=BE

Serial number:

No known positive detections

0 / 68
eventide_slavicfable_ce.exe  (967c208373b206144597492526ae1f18)

0 / 68
eventide_slavicfable.exe  (aa02ad2ef4168cfcd5fae5dabdc8d0ae)

0 / 68
grimlegends_thedarkcity.exe  (deb31773c54fc6bb3b1db90e61268fb3)

0 / 68
queensquest_towerofdarkness.exe  (2a85559fe477ff657dbf7e624c85ecf6)

0 / 68
eventide_sorcerersmirror.exe  (f59bf2575ce6d82dc53b1c5e8b1dbc0b)

0 / 68
dreamatorium2.exe  (a739513a3537eceed8a6e5b5fbc529d0)

0 / 68
queensquest_towerofdarkness.exe  (b87a71e35627529374fc20cf8d11b795)

0 / 68
eventide_sorcerersmirror.exe  (628b0b8d3901f5cfed86eca3af407902)

0 / 68
eventide_slavicfable.exe  (6fafef4d1f9bb2f095f859b6a770cc16)

0 / 68
grimlegends_thedarkcity.exe  (8507903f9895d2d9465f7db177c62700)

0 / 68
grimlegends_thedarkcity.exe  (aac8ddd9c0d7a0a9beb2e2330b70b646)

0 / 68
eventide_slavicfable.exe  (4c35956adfac9a7d6db983ad1f76f2b2)

0 / 68
eventide_slavicfable_ce.exe  (4abe91efd288e61366b1948ec7e5e6aa)

0 / 68
eventide_slavicfable.exe  (4e090ed95ceac8461ef557145d9adb3e)

0 / 68
crimesecrets_thecrimsonlily.exe  (12e517599b16abe3b6fd3be297385804)

Latest 30 of 42 files

Downloads URLs for files signed by Artifex Mundi sp. z o.o..

The following websites host and distribute files published by Artifex Mundi sp. z o.o..

The following certificate is also signed by Artifex Mundi sp. z o.o..

1121CC7C166B83B7AB47A6512314ACA5D125  (May 11, 2012 to May 12, 2015)

The following publishers (by Authenticode signature organization name) are related.

30 of 247 publishers

* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to Artifex Mundi sp. z o.o. by GlobalSign nv-sa on April 15, 2015 with the serial number '11216a06c6729bb84e7a12ad6b43ae282453'.