BeiJing ZhangShangYingDong Technologies Co., Ltd.

Publisher Information

BeiJing ZhangShangYingDong Technologies Co., Ltd. is a software developer located in Beijing, China*. There is one additional code signing certificate issued to this publisher.
Thawte, Inc.

Valid from:
8/26/2014 4:00:00 PM

Valid to:
10/14/2015 3:59:59 PM

CN="BeiJing ZhangShangYingDong Technologies Co., Ltd.", O="BeiJing ZhangShangYingDong Technologies Co., Ltd.", L=Beijing, S=Beijing, C=CN

CN=Thawte Code Signing CA - G2, O="Thawte, Inc.", C=US

Serial number:

No known positive detections

0 / 68
pipahelper.exe  (d0732a5e662b85b157111d49537208d0)

0 / 68
PiPaLauncher.exe  (438fa3c3662a0a606f990b171838c7a1)

0 / 68
PiPaLauncher.exe  (879f7d7166362d491f91e70b0e2dfa99)

0 / 68

0 / 68
zlib1.dll (zlib)  (386d80bb887e3b58c49369ddc86c4797)

0 / 68
pugixml.dll  (a13f77de7db61f543054b802f7556d1f)

0 / 68
pngdefry.dll  (33dc698e6a5d93bb712bf66099818025)

0 / 68
pipaziphelper.dll  (da2da3bbabbefd987f8fdb69ac0728f1)

0 / 68
pipawatcher.exe  (c708e87e8e0734792258de161d30afee)

0 / 68
pipautils.dll  (b200e58ac0176a8054f5c3d5f2a085d1)

0 / 68
pipausb.dll  (70b684253a88f260214e78f0ed31c837)

0 / 68
pipaupdate.exe  (e4a1530ded68a592f42ecdee39aca66e)

0 / 68
pipaunpack.dll  (c0cc6d65d02eca32e7fd5ffb277547ee)

0 / 68
pipainstaller.exe  (023c6ee3fba4309ba7a4f9b126e566e7)

0 / 68
pipahelper.exe  (cbc132eb62780a05b66ff029ae3aa39d)

0 / 68
pipadownload.dll  (8c709077c3e0b0ac75685224682ac533)

0 / 68
pipacrypt.dll  (71f422935b141d3b16f05fb0adfbe8bb)

0 / 68
pipacore.dll  (3b8bb2c9cfa90335fb9847edf9bb2f4e)

0 / 68
pipaappwatcher.dll  (b2486edec049224296b2c02a211ed8c1)

0 / 68
pipaappreader.dll  (6a1a021dab1a5e9a13ac9ce52c35baaa)

0 / 68
pipaadbcommand.dll  (12a7addbcba5b1d1c6d01ea9fe57587b)

0 / 68
pipaadb.exe  (a4d539a73cc42d53b611adf0ee51eae1)

0 / 68

0 / 68
libplist.dll  (b278d15794818500a06d85487e1a8e34)

0 / 68
json.dll  (573d6e81a79f6c8673df332b0d5c01ec)

0 / 68
duilib_u.dll  (605780219c9757a2cb4678115edbf32f)

0 / 68
AdbWinUsbApi.dll (Android SDK by Google, inc)  (af6e036eb8b204b7b9b2320330bfb5a2)

0 / 68
AdbWinApi.dll (Android SDK by Google, inc)  (8ac00b2be2d0d2ec7c0ddacf9202e6c7)

Latest 30 of 90 files

The following certificate is also signed by BeiJing ZhangShangYingDong Technologies Co., Ltd..

6D0B7F87B6F842595E54BD2479F64036  (Oct 14, 2013 to Oct 15, 2014)

* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to BeiJing ZhangShangYingDong Technologies Co., Ltd. by Thawte, Inc. on August 26, 2014 with the serial number '5c086dc3a1eb35b7caf80bee69a38a0c'.