Christopher Snowhill

Publisher Information

Christopher Snowhill is a software publisher located in Riverside, California in the United States*. There is one additional code signing certificate issued to this publisher.
thawte, Inc.

Valid from:
2/5/2015 10:00:00 PM

Valid to:
2/5/2017 9:59:59 PM

CN=Christopher Snowhill, OU=Individual Developer, O=No Organization Affiliation, L=Riverside, S=California, C=US

CN=thawte SHA256 Code Signing CA, O="thawte, Inc.", C=US

Serial number:

No known positive detections

0 / 68
foo_psf.dll  (8764d4ad69e68b59ff2a7ff4c0e296f4)

0 / 68
foo_input_vgmstream.dll  (68d93bee15bad4fead3f2c6173024d76)

0 / 68
foo_input_vgmstream.dll  (62d470a6497a3417c5b27d5401b4011e)

0 / 68
avutil-vgmstream-55.dll (FFmpeg by FFmpeg Project)  (12cd9020c104a2186ea91e9fdfccfdfa)

0 / 68
avformat-vgmstream-57.dll (FFmpeg by FFmpeg Project)  (c70c8ce575b4925c562d6763585b5d17)

0 / 68
avcodec-vgmstream-57.dll (FFmpeg by FFmpeg Project)  (acc6ff9a2585a8c392059fc20baad871)

0 / 68
foo_unpack_lha.dll  (5a03e50d705fd158e5042602eb94782a)

0 / 68
foo_r128norm.dll  (862f512c5a74c9372b4eb2f16bd524e2)

0 / 68
vsthost64.exe (VST host bridge by NoWork)  (c917793951f074283ebebff97b21c5ea)

0 / 68
basswasapi.dll (by Un4seen Developments)  (3b8b44a03d502f312beff67434c74145)

0 / 68
bass.dll (by Un4seen Developments)  (8858e9577e5898b48490e441323e03a4)

0 / 68
avutil-vgmstream-55.dll (FFmpeg by FFmpeg Project)  (1bdca3720f6ead755b90dc9d4469bc4c)

0 / 68
avformat-vgmstream-57.dll (FFmpeg by FFmpeg Project)  (d0e931402efd08a7b16c667a98a3c878)

0 / 68
avcodec-vgmstream-57.dll (FFmpeg by FFmpeg Project)  (80b599cb8b79de79b5f09c28b775d446)

0 / 68
foo_osd.dll  (2573c0771c3519e63c8926db9b6adf88)

0 / 68
foo_dsp_multiresampler.dll  (8314a1e1d9b0e5ea7d4869688120354b)

0 / 68
foo_input_hvl.dll  (731fd49ac48fc983829d097a514ac987)

0 / 68
foo_unpack_unix.dll  (5cebf30fe68d781f254f6a5f25f4d6d3)

0 / 68
foo_input_qsf.dll  (fa82504401e408c63cb5da795be57514)

0 / 68
foo_sid.dll  (6a04bf49ca4d47f76d73d449d801c1d9)

0 / 68
foo_input_ht.dll  (da3a4e010df03af5f67278be7167d274)

0 / 68
foo_input_org.dll  (64f632f9d0beb793aa83dd344973324c)

0 / 68
foo_input_kdm.dll  (af8dc0c0ffbee61bb9977372f717d146)

0 / 68
foo_input_adplug.dll  (7b7676c6510223041d65e306a1984249)

0 / 68
foo_adpcm.dll  (76f8729cc07c4b9ef9f651d2d6a68114)

0 / 68
vsthost64.exe (VST host bridge by  (ef97ce81b1befd8917b378f5623bd4c9)

0 / 68
vsthost32.exe (VST host bridge by  (455b0e9b09a9defb52fa540038598698)

0 / 68
foo_midi.dll  (8cb1b40b88f2bc6fe1e547f6393854a5)

0 / 68
{blocked}.dll (by MaresWEB)  (65647865d77402e98f21dc1b35931340)

0 / 68
basswv.dll (by Un4seen Developments)  (609a8b216099019e7aca1d6e957ffeee)

Latest 30 of 207 files

The following certificate is also signed by Christopher Snowhill.

0B67  (Oct 22, 2013 to Oct 23, 2015)

* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to Christopher Snowhill by thawte, Inc. on February 05, 2015 with the serial number '2533da0f1630052185e9a8251649df0d'.