Cognidox Limited

Publisher Information

Cognidox Limited is a software publisher located in Cambridge, Cambridgeshire in United Kingdom*. There is one additional code signing certificate issued to this publisher.
GlobalSign nv-sa

Valid from:
3/4/2016 3:52:15 PM

Valid to:
6/6/2018 9:53:48 AM

Subject:, CN=Cognidox Limited, O=Cognidox Limited, L=Cambridge, S=Cambridgeshire, C=GB

CN=GlobalSign CodeSigning CA - SHA256 - G2, O=GlobalSign nv-sa, C=BE

Serial number:

No known positive detections

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OfficeToPDF.exe (OfficeToPDF by Cognidox)  (669d0a704ef650cd897ae927b0489ffb)

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CogniDoxAddin.dll (cognidox-office-admin by Cognidox)  (5a4273deb19663c6d840aec91e8cafe4)

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CogniDox.dll (cognidox-office-admin by Cognidox)  (f1824f68ef68f87916a27a7e004907cc)

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OfficeToPDF.exe (OfficeToPDF by Cognidox)  (adef8167a72c5f151b27b7744ac3b634)

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OfficeToPDF.exe (OfficeToPDF by Cognidox)  (a99942cbe7529d007b84637cf5bf47a4)

The following certificate is also signed by Cognidox Limited.

11215C8C262E537E880C5DB47E0DCF8311F2  (Jan 22, 2014 to May 06, 2016)

* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to Cognidox Limited by GlobalSign nv-sa on March 04, 2016 with the serial number '11215b03525483137a1a34e2ed7d482848b5'.