concept/design GmbH

Publisher Information

concept/design GmbH is a software developer located in Detmold, Nordrhein Westfalen in Germany*. There is one additional code signing certificate issued to this publisher.
Thawte Consulting (Pty) Ltd.

Valid from:
7/7/2009 2:00:00 AM

Valid to:
7/8/2011 1:59:59 AM

CN=concept/design GmbH, OU=Software Development, O=concept/design GmbH, L=Detmold, S=Nordrhein Westfalen, C=DE

CN=Thawte Code Signing CA, O=Thawte Consulting (Pty) Ltd., C=ZA

Serial number:

No known positive detections

0 / 68
hitrecorder4_setup.exe (concept/design GmbH)  (c5fa63623e179e750d0332190604310f)

0 / 68
hitrecorder_4.0.0.4.exe (by concept/design GmbH)  (af31314299aa6c3547211ab7b54e273e)

0 / 68
onlinetv.exe (onlineTV 6 by concept/design GmbH)  (c8741b6a1b3209de427affbc5539b965)

0 / 68
finjadll.dll (by concept/design GmbH)  (528a7f9035b8fc3633937e432a04b8cc)

0 / 68
fecore.dll (by concept/design GmbH)  (b13d0eb6fcfd1f0789a51747dfa4b4ed)

0 / 68
hitrecorder5.exe (Hit-Recorder by concept/design GmbH)  (8976e786129ad3181ab5cbb59ec1fe5f)

0 / 68
sadantispy_setup.exe (S.A.D. AntiSpy by S.A.D. GmbH)  (3a14141d60980ed103d1b190d42a3a21)

0 / 68
mobsafe.exe (DataSafe by S.A.D. GmbH)  (9b5b37e366a1ce99cc1844ec2a04a332)

0 / 68
cdgoesmp3_5_platinum_setup.exe (by Franzis Verlag GmbH)  (8ffd62f92d2b235a9a0870bbf0d9144f)

0 / 68
hitrecorder5_setup.exe (concept/design GmbH)  (5d136b214cbef8591e8f56fcbbc287e7)

0 / 68
hitrecorder55_setup.tmp  (68b58a598757b02515cf672dd67e8ee1)

0 / 68
hitrecorder55_setup.exe (concept/design GmbH)  (7561cd9b99dc311daebac165baf98ff7)

0 / 68
onlinetv.exe (onlineTV 6 by concept/design GmbH)  (1c3b468cad1166050aa28fea3c096c6d)

0 / 68
setup.exe (by concept/design GmbH)  (489a9d31043422cebf4609986bca9583)

0 / 68
fileshredderpro2009_setup.exe (by concept/design GmbH)  (977b0154ac3f14cccd380adbcbc941b2)

0 / 68
hitrecorder4.exe (Hit-Recorder by concept/design GmbH)  (abf3ddea6065c6e40f8dc54c369accae)

0 / 68
hitrecorder4_setup.exe (concept/design GmbH)  (7d7e113c581bab71700c56bf1e7276f8)

0 / 68
music2go.exe (music2go 2 by concept/design GmbH)  (17a88faf253d5a9ca9102cd8768526f2)

0 / 68

0 / 68
cdgoesmp37_platinum_setup.exe (by Franzis Verlag GmbH)  (0c350fd772d7f98dc94b49a74e088020)

0 / 68
ds2010.exe (by S.A.D. GmbH)  (e9368c739add44241c297d48715163f4)

0 / 68
otv6setup.exe (onlineTV 6 by concept/design GmbH)  (f5607f0f8113986e8210c60969bc904f)

0 / 68
music2go.exe (music2go 2 by concept/design GmbH)  (a4d07e5594dceecad0a947fe842a5f76)

0 / 68
antispy.exe (by S.A.D. GmbH)  (3d3af68891f1f3ee5bf16edc8b732c94)

0 / 68
hitrecorder5_setup.exe (concept/design GmbH)  (75ffcd07ff8a7e8171ddc6522eac5ff2)

0 / 68
hrstart.exe (Hit-Recorder Starter by concept/design GmbH)  (bfb895dc77047158691e6a2c4ea07ca6)

Latest 30 of 124 files

The following certificate is also signed by concept/design GmbH.

536DC63D2525135A051855C5E9E95DAF  (Aug 01, 2008 to Aug 02, 2009)

* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to concept/design GmbH by Thawte Consulting (Pty) Ltd. on July 07, 2009 with the serial number '100fa3f2a76dce6d8d2477b91aed3666'.