Element Technologie

Publisher Information

Element Technologie is a software developer located in NANCY, Lorraine in France*.

Valid from:
5/30/2012 2:00:00 AM

Valid to:
5/31/2015 1:59:59 AM

CN=Element Technologie, O=Element Technologie, STREET="109, bd d'Haussonville", L=NANCY, S=Lorraine, PostalCode=54000, C=FR

CN=COMODO Code Signing CA 2, O=COMODO CA Limited, L=Salford, S=Greater Manchester, C=GB

Serial number:

No known positive detections

0 / 68
csstidy.exe (CSSTidy)  (930f474aa6de8cc1d14ef7274513d5a4)

0 / 68
WebScreenshot.exe (WebScreenshot)  (69d1c3501bf6d448984dc8dd328c4a77)

0 / 68
updater.exe (Advanced Updater by Caphyon)  (bd6ed26548fea5e107b278dc792370c5)

0 / 68
openElement.exe (openElement by Element Technologie)  (dc659f57a7efe8cf1ea121bbd9720d12)

0 / 68
php.exe (PHP by The PHP Group)  (4e53f5196b9e87a0a6a513dd8ea73ff5)

0 / 68
php-win.exe (PHP by The PHP Group)  (100dfd7c8472d1ad97cb628b7b57bb84)

0 / 68
php-cgi.exe (PHP by The PHP Group)  (03a794f379ac62feb04b196d69c30205)

0 / 68
ttf2eot.exe  (d7d0c2d84c14e61d4c9c60fa811d3c9d)

0 / 68
sfnt2woff.exe  (dbbf7aab239bab4d3c33c629132f682e)

0 / 68
truepng.exe  (f132cb4d278525b0af152ec22375ad5c)

0 / 68
optipng.exe  (7b811c688bf0fe24244c3e1e033a42e9)

0 / 68
jpegtran.exe  (22dfb88f1302ef9fd041b9c9887c5d58)

0 / 68
jpegoptim.exe  (fb5b2c2342e9ca88bbe3682d04243f95)

0 / 68
handle.exe (Sysinternals Handle by Sysinternals)  (34bd0174144007613b95fe85b790bb67)

0 / 68
gifsicle.exe  (939cbfa9355d6a5cc3f0d9f1b0d32c7f)

0 / 68
csstidy.exe (CSSTidy)  (de38a11dee382d37da008ed5d89a1903)

0 / 68
WebScreenshot.exe (WebScreenshot)  (3b60c1b354eba386c3a7d46f516f68a1)

0 / 68
Uninstall.exe (Uninstall)  (c6c565e6000313f4ef45366fa337972b)

0 / 68
oeWebServer.exe (oeWebServer)  (8524692676945aff25a66cc467ba3e7b)

0 / 68
ElementEditor.exe (ElementEditor)  (317e75d813ca5806f195b5d4a0743be5)

0 / 68
openElement.exe (openElement by Element Technologie)  (b01617779b134e116509b1a2d0c7eaba)

0 / 68
oemodeldownload__64._.v1.34.exe  (33b971da3e392e0c01316020b7490afe)

0 / 68
oemodeldownload__25._.v1.34.exe  (57b891f13502f8b3564bb6307fea775d)

0 / 68
oemodeldownload__54._.v1.34.exe  (47998e230b0aefdb6c8ba20356001e23)

0 / 68
php.exe (PHP by The PHP Group)  (41d6558b3c2a5e81c3ac291631872a15)

0 / 68
php-win.exe (PHP by The PHP Group)  (ec64f7efdc2a8cf7ae466a3e451c4e36)

0 / 68
php-cgi.exe (PHP by The PHP Group)  (96ba829e4f2facfab9455d88baaa1526)

0 / 68
csstidy.exe (CSSTidy)  (3f532a60009c5092bc384a398eed0458)

0 / 68
WebScreenshot.exe (WebScreenshot)  (f9139fb1d33b84a4041ab065dbcf3669)

0 / 68
Uninstall.exe (Uninstall)  (8119254ab57b598ce9ab88d32373872f)

Latest 30 of 343 files

Downloads URLs for files signed by Element Technologie.

* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to Element Technologie by COMODO CA Limited on May 30, 2012 with the serial number '00877a4c779b7a61703b7deb791a2299fe'.