Exaktime Innovations, Inc.

Publisher Information

Exaktime Innovations, Inc. is a software publisher located in Calabasas, California in the United States*. There is one additional code signing certificate issued to this publisher.
GoDaddy.com, Inc.

Valid from:
12/6/2011 12:19:06 PM

Valid to:
1/12/2015 11:33:06 AM

CN="Exaktime Innovations, Inc.", OU=IT, O="Exaktime Innovations, Inc.", L=Calabasas, S=CA, C=US

SERIALNUMBER=07969287, CN=Go Daddy Secure Certification Authority, OU=http://certificates.godaddy.com/repository, O="GoDaddy.com, Inc.", L=Scottsdale, S=Arizona, C=US

Serial number:

No known positive detections

0 / 68
TimeSummit.exe (TimeSummit by ExakTime)  (9c617c69b3340137f5689391b46d7c31)

0 / 68
TimeSummit Utilities.exe (TimeSummit by ExakTime)  (d2b40584e18fe4db3fac80c482690bc9)

0 / 68

0 / 68
StartSQLService.exe (.Time by ExakTime)  (412eb6c567f720d8acea677b1c561c89)

0 / 68
MapSummit.exe (MapSummit by ExakTime)  (60b3a5f8e123519241fe254e6ad0e7fb)

0 / 68
InstallDownloader.exe (InstallDownloader by ExakTime)  (fbf82cf185dab5ffcd4c79fdd6810f41)

0 / 68
GroupManager.exe (Group Manager by ExakTime)  (a54ef266a81b6b4a0c2af928cb3d71a8)

0 / 68
CSVImport.exe (CSVImport by ExakTime)  (f2f7c9b544fc85c9900f2516e064e7b8)

0 / 68
SyncCenter.exe (Exaktime Sync Center by Exaktime)  (88229ccb9db79cde4f40e411b61f4d2d)

0 / 68
restoreexaktime.exe (AutoPlay Media Studio Runtime)  (25b062c202388a0d28d6d9398842fbd2)

0 / 68
TimeSummit.exe (TimeSummit by ExakTime)  (023fdc85d27175bfc78a30786df9f12b)

0 / 68
TimeSummit Utilities.exe (TimeSummit by ExakTime)  (ff599a295ae3fa6eea6e4a22bf37dfa9)

0 / 68

0 / 68
MapSummit.exe (MapSummit by ExakTime)  (20fa70382c50ebd1879c4e027522bd61)

0 / 68
GroupManager.exe (Group Manager by ExakTime)  (4fd7abe40dc6d522180590ea99adfd71)

0 / 68
CSVImport.exe (CSVImport by ExakTime)  (c7b5f87c251b3409de45ef97520b8483)

0 / 68

0 / 68
SyncLinx.exe (SyncLinx by ExakTime)  (8be0e76c0fca7b2f9c5379776b7d22c8)

0 / 68
SX.dll (SmartXLS)  (567b7031e1c7e672f603c398e3abe648)

0 / 68
StartSQLService.exe (.Time by ExakTime)  (ab815183941e966e62947fc27bd0e6d9)

0 / 68
InstallDownloader.exe (InstallDownloader by ExakTime)  (b54764949a51f95d2f5ac2be04146454)

0 / 68
AccountLinx.Framework.dll (AccountLinx by ExakTime)  (cd76d7309327f265c99b61e446f7ba7b)

0 / 68
AccountLinx.FirstRun.dll (AccountLinx by ExakTime)  (7ad6df3037ce1e3d4e3e98d28d480e88)

0 / 68
AccountLinx.exe (AccountLinx by ExakTime)  (b411dc1d00a7d3339972bb2778f050e0)

0 / 68
AccountLinx.DataLayer.dll (AccountLinx by ExakTime)  (f27c053957b0aa7b307370116e515858)

0 / 68
SyncCenter.exe (Exaktime Sync Center by Exaktime)  (5e2a0f27fc50295ae1f3b5947e26860c)

Latest 30 of 298 files

The following certificate is also signed by Exaktime Innovations, Inc..

4A088BB5DF755EE8  (Jan 07, 2015 to Jan 12, 2018)

* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to Exaktime Innovations, Inc. by GoDaddy.com, Inc. on December 06, 2011 with the serial number '27d605c82e8d7a'.