GarageGames, LLC

Publisher Information

GarageGames, LLC is a software publisher located in Vancouver, Washington in the United States*. Thre are 2 additional code signing certificates issued to this publisher.
DigiCert Inc

Valid from:
8/24/2016 7:00:00 PM

Valid to:
9/27/2017 7:00:00 AM

CN="GarageGames, LLC", O="GarageGames, LLC", L=Vancouver, S=Washington, C=US

CN=DigiCert SHA2 Assured ID Code Signing CA,, O=DigiCert Inc, C=US

Serial number:

No known positive detections

0 / 68
irsetup.exe (Setup Factory Runtime by Indigo Rose)  (37d8e88729dce5d5f146ce1d8845469b)

0 / 68
irsetup.exe (Setup Factory Runtime by Indigo Rose)  (9d3b5392012b51defe93a9fb4cc63a3d)

0 / 68
devpro_content.exe (Setup Factory Runtime)  (937fbf1760d37b637d4d1ed9bac276f0)

0 / 68
gamestacksetup.exe (Setup Factory Runtime)  (1e543a586ddea6e3a31f85dcbb9f1162)

The certificates below are also signed by GarageGames, LLC.

0D84EC978F88CAEA50738D4F90CAFE3F  (Aug 27, 2015 to Sep 01, 2016)

023EF5372BAC4ABC1E2E724C1B6FD23F  (Aug 24, 2014 to Aug 27, 2015)

* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to GarageGames, LLC by DigiCert Inc on August 24, 2016 with the serial number '04f6c6cd97691112bf27f8eb64c87a2a'.