Geny mobile

Publisher Information

Geny mobile is a software developer located in Paris, France*. There is one additional code signing certificate issued to this publisher.
DigiCert Inc

Valid from:
11/22/2016 5:30:00 AM

Valid to:
1/3/2020 5:30:00 PM

CN=Geny mobile, O=Geny mobile, L=Paris, S=Paris, C=FR, PostalCode=75002, STREET=1 rue du Mail, SERIALNUMBER=529 450 363, OID., OID. Organization

CN=DigiCert EV Code Signing CA (SHA2),, O=DigiCert Inc, C=US

Serial number:

No known positive detections

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genymotion-2.8.1-vbox.exe (Genymotion by Genymobile)  (0311148a66bbdcfe1f12860f7bc0605c)

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genymotion-2.8.1-vbox.exe (Genymotion by Genymobile)  (aad282aec28b9bb7651bb52a17f19704)

0 / 68 (Genymotion by Genymobile)  (f006eb2bfbf5c2e4258e623b724f6cab)

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genymotion-2.8.1-vbox.exe (Genymotion by Genymobile)  (4ce50246a266009933fe22f81b09aae6)

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genymotion-2.8.1-vbox.exe (Genymotion by Genymobile)  (229203dd20180543ae66f059eed06935)

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genymotion-2.8.1-vbox.exe (Genymotion by Genymobile)  (5233403b3fd9dc8d901f04d4a13a0ec7)

0 / 68 (Genymotion by Genymobile)  (b40e7f201ecca554e22533701ee203ee)

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genymotion-2.8.1-vbox.exe (Genymotion by Genymobile)  (d1aa4b080b71bd9f6176cf08120562d3)

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genymotion-2.8.1-vbox.exe (Genymotion by Genymobile)  (1b4a259803533230b115245133ca2bb7)

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genymotion-2.8.1-vbox.exe (Genymotion by Genymobile)  (f49972628ca1d2bc296a2df63f80a978)

0 / 68 (Genymotion by Genymobile)  (f9fc81a1f74f27879174d785d4f3d977)

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genymotion-2.8.1-vbox.exe (Genymotion by Genymobile)  (58ece7db6dc197461fe89e4afb773487)

Downloads URLs for files signed by Geny mobile.

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The following certificate is also signed by Geny mobile.

019C8F6918C3D89772071077D3D3CC6E  (Nov 27, 2013 to Dec 01, 2016)

* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to Geny mobile by DigiCert Inc on November 22, 2016 with the serial number '068911f2bc0120ea8de26282ca7becb9'.