Graham Jones d/b/a Visiv

Publisher Information

Graham Jones d/b/a Visiv is a software publisher located in Lairg, Sutherland in United Kingdom*. There is one additional code signing certificate issued to this publisher.
Comodo CA Limited

Valid from:
11/5/2004 12:00:00 AM

Valid to:
11/5/2005 11:59:59 PM

CN=Graham Jones d/b/a Visiv, O=Graham Jones d/b/a Visiv, STREET=21e Craft Village, STREET=Balnakeil, STREET=Durness, L=Lairg, S=Sutherland, PostalCode=IV27 4PT, C=GB

CN=Comodo Code Signing CA, O=Comodo CA Limited, C=GB

Serial number:

No known positive detections

0 / 68
installsharpeye2.64.exe (by Visiv)  (1f2275c3b5f882f287f672f35550eaf8)

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installsharpeye1.exe (by Visiv)  (479ba05770416bb4e65497717234a3c0)

Downloads URLs for files signed by Graham Jones d/b/a Visiv.

0 / 68  (479ba05770416bb4e65497717234a3c0)

The following websites host and distribute files published by Graham Jones d/b/a Visiv.

The following certificate is also signed by Graham Jones d/b/a Visiv.

7A32362D15405F7B514DB798380AFD55  (Jan 09, 2006 to Jan 10, 2008)

The following publishers (by Authenticode signature organization name) are related.

* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to Graham Jones d/b/a Visiv by Comodo CA Limited on November 05, 2004 with the serial number '00ef1442e7e13231d69f015742ff007545'.