Holland Transportation

Publisher Information

Holland Transportation is a software publisher located in SPRINGFIELD, Missouri in the United States*. There is one additional code signing certificate issued to this publisher.

Valid from:
1/10/2012 6:00:00 PM

Valid to:
1/10/2015 5:59:59 PM

CN=Holland Transportation, O=Holland Transportation, STREET=4831 W TARKIO, L=SPRINGFIELD, S=MO, PostalCode=65802, C=US

CN=COMODO Code Signing CA 2, O=COMODO CA Limited, L=Salford, S=Greater Manchester, C=GB

Serial number:

No known positive detections

0 / 68
drdisp.exe (Dr Dispatch by Holland Transportation)  (508eaa6180ffc3ce0b15dc61463d5c16)

0 / 68
drdisp.exe (Dr Dispatch by Holland Transportation)  (6f2926d8b42746767b1792537d5dcb05)

0 / 68
drd32.exe (DrDispatch 5 by Holland Transportation)  (d61859b9611fb32a54bba3a433a3a8fc)

0 / 68
userman.exe (by Holland Transportation)  (715712fc1889aea8c204acc69b8a95b6)

0 / 68
updateman.exe (by Holland Transportation)  (b015751f45933929bb58bccc5c08b57c)

0 / 68
securitytool.exe  (0b7e5bdd60c3d833c9a6114e06997b5e)

0 / 68
payroll32.exe (Dr Dispatch by Holland Transportation)  (a077a8f493b0b0245fa55f014c4936a3)

0 / 68
fuel.exe (by Holland Transportation)  (73ac69a465b9534f080e37031c7f6599)

0 / 68
drdqbsetup.exe (by Holland Transportation)  (81857f4ec9251274bef24b821670eabf)

0 / 68
drdisp.exe (Dr Dispatch by Holland Transportation)  (76c389bc3811a2d26c7f89c4cbc1faad)

0 / 68
drd32.exe (DrDispatch 5 by Holland Transportation)  (4af3d6a620adf01754007745fd7136ad)

0 / 68
drd5upgrade.exe (DrDispatch 5 by Holland Solutions)  (1629722b3d293fac30c31e6502dca86f)

0 / 68
drd32.exe (DrDispatch 5 by Holland Transportation)  (d21b6adeb96399e2fe8a7a4b70ebc0bb)

0 / 68
userman.exe (by Holland Transportation)  (45fa63e44fc77442cdc36c7448fb41fb)

0 / 68
updateman.exe (by Holland Transportation)  (e74f57648f6aa628fdaf63fffc969e90)

0 / 68
securitytool.exe  (1de8f7ea4263032787256bd84e554314)

0 / 68
payroll32.exe (Dr Dispatch by Holland Transportation)  (7f826da47161257afd645f38cd8e5947)

0 / 68
fuel.exe (by Holland Transportation)  (2830153ebfecaee6d21eff79530b91ca)

0 / 68
drdqbsetup.exe (by Holland Transportation)  (6e3dc7a734c543c363b5355f04a69a37)

0 / 68
drd5upgrade_71b.exe (DrDispatch 5 by Holland Solutions)  (d883f5e5caea4fb2437770a07a9cc50c)

0 / 68
drdisp.exe (Dr Dispatch by Holland Transportation)  (a23aed69fff6c0a50cc2098d129868a4)

0 / 68
userman.exe (by Holland Transportation)  (cdd9a7d8e2a4ac9575a44004520d5e53)

0 / 68
updateman.exe (by Holland Transportation)  (89919ea4288a4bbede200b10b4ca8abb)

0 / 68
securitytool.exe  (7ccb881c7efaf72f4189ea1d1056dd94)

0 / 68
fuel.exe (by Holland Transportation)  (45ca5f4b5a112f257631d99a128c4e6b)

0 / 68
drdqbsetup.exe (by Holland Transportation)  (920bd8e51c455a212f15e8672945b883)

0 / 68
drdisp.exe (Dr Dispatch by Holland Transportation)  (aa7915d0bf1fb96d84c84f34592dddc2)

0 / 68
userman.exe (by Holland Transportation)  (84778355910631b7ddac9630bb3ec9c9)

0 / 68
securitytool.exe  (9c8a587231306ac65320ae75d24a530d)

0 / 68
payroll32.exe (Dr Dispatch by Holland Transportation)  (b5be3756939749847cec2b071c8cf6f4)

Latest 30 of 119 files

Downloads URLs for files signed by Holland Transportation.

0 / 68
http://www.drdispatch.com/.../drd32.exe  (d61859b9611fb32a54bba3a433a3a8fc)

The following certificate is also signed by Holland Transportation.

0091C2266AA83B2D4CCB510F223A930EE1  (Apr 14, 2015 to Apr 14, 2018)

* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to Holland Transportation by COMODO CA Limited on January 10, 2012 with the serial number '3abaff82ab2b50cb34cb0c23bfd01206'.