Hot Sales

Publisher Information

Hot Sales is a software developer located in San Diego, California in the United States*. A majority of the programs developed by the company can be classified as adware or other potentially unwanted programs.
VeriSign, Inc.

Valid from:
9/24/2015 8:00:00 PM

Valid to:
9/24/2016 7:59:59 PM

CN=Hot Sales, O=Hot Sales, L=San Diego, S=California, C=US

CN=VeriSign Class 3 Code Signing 2010 CA, OU=Terms of use at (c)10, OU=VeriSign Trust Network, O="VeriSign, Inc.", C=US

Serial number:

Scanner detections:
Detections  (100% detected)

Scan engine

Reason Heuristics
PUP.Yontoo (M), Adware.Yontoo (M)

1 / 68      (Adware)
plugin.exe  (62b8a48d24127d415d4748aa9078ed6c)

1 / 68      (PUP)
45.0.1.dll  (bd7ba44bc5526deb3cdd737cf848e1bb)

1 / 68      (PUP)
40.0.0.dll  (b4a5d3ce2ab631a1d8656065b75d0b49)

1 / 68      (Adware)
plugin.exe  (afcd31ed2a93d62d91c5189acd701135)

1 / 68      (Adware)
plugin.exe  (f53b9223f50a6e1689a04fb42cba8556)

1 / 68      (Adware)
plugin.exe  (45ac7f390bb2e42510c9660ba5dd97f4)

1 / 68      (Adware)
plugin.exe  (ac126324cf41f0bbfba9bf49ba7f8db6)

1 / 68      (Adware)
plugin.exe  (9679cbd68f991971b97ea604c7af8e8e)

1 / 68      (Adware)
plugin.exe  (99ab3494a1b7b1fb01cd9db23f6e0fff)

1 / 68      (PUP)
plugincontainer.upd  (c1a9cf4e617752b24c25e02ca0c4f4c6)

1 / 68      (PUP)
plugincontainer.bak  (6ee59570152159e64ac36d09d070b646)

1 / 68      (Adware)
plugin.exe  (702e30bc4a9067f289bde0f712de7aa1)

1 / 68      (Adware)
plugin.exe  (4e8ff96ec15334a19825b38db8331575)

1 / 68      (Adware)
plugin.exe  (c0098f131a47cc9f8fe16b16e811326c)

1 / 68      (PUP)
plugincontainer.upd  (775c38f9bf1741672ae612951b5db9e2)

1 / 68      (Adware)
plugin.exe  (ee3d1eb284cd485cfa50a23feaa5bbec)

1 / 68      (PUP)
40.0.0.dll  (71c9ebdde293449383814ee23d08a674)

1 / 68      (PUP)
39.0.0.dll  (4765bc7dc3dd0b0a086994796f0eeba5)

1 / 68      (PUP)
38.0.5.dll  (e11b65beed22f5f373c497b58a3ceda3)

1 / 68      (Adware)
plugin.exe  (240e59a176d0705791f63d1e74f214b0)

1 / 68      (Adware)
plugin.exe  (3bcbbc1d5d837103401caba220b0efc8)

1 / 68      (Adware)
plugin.exe  (34dca8417cd456cc3b94a0adc26614a1)

1 / 68      (Adware)
plugin.exe  (42a248034f51c57f09a5c96829fe428c)

1 / 68      (Adware)
plugin.exe  (484ef50db00003b18a2e723ef81196c1)

1 / 68      (Adware)
plugin.exe  (b2b01693fbae24c147418ea891a17181)

1 / 68      (Adware)
plugin.exe  (b077306c81a9ed9395333be252cb51f5)

1 / 68      (Adware)
plugin.exe  (053d19a74c6bbc0edf1d72837ae7b9d1)

1 / 68      (PUP)
plugincontainer.exe  (7da2949d42f6d5828cc544fc912865c4)

1 / 68      (PUP)
plugincontainer.upd  (123302b5039eabdcdb55afd27092f728)

1 / 68      (Adware)
plugin.exe  (5c0e4232ea4139bdd0eaf746caad8155)

Latest 30 of 208,468 files

* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to Hot Sales by VeriSign, Inc. on September 24, 2015 with the serial number '6556c1d3bd9f90713cbe28473f69e337'.