IHS Global Inc.

Publisher Information

IHS Global Inc. is a software developer located in Houston, Texas in the United States*. Thre are 8 additional code signing certificates issued to this publisher.
VeriSign, Inc.

Valid from:
12/14/2011 4:00:00 PM

Valid to:
12/14/2013 3:59:59 PM

CN=IHS Global Inc., OU=KINGDOM Development, OU=Digital ID Class 3 - Microsoft Software Validation v2, O=IHS Global Inc., L=Houston, S=Texas, C=US

CN=VeriSign Class 3 Code Signing 2010 CA, OU=Terms of use at https://www.verisign.com/rpa (c)10, OU=VeriSign Trust Network, O="VeriSign, Inc.", C=US

Serial number:

No known positive detections

0 / 68
WTWellboreDll.DLL (WTWellboreDll by IHS)  (2313532c2f5848e99a34539fb8bf4fdb)

0 / 68
WellTest32.EXE (WellTest32 by IHS)  (16666bb8801e01c54c7541de32074126)

0 / 68
WellboreDll.DLL (Common Wellbore by IHS)  (de2c061583cb70fc0a09e97a611e0b36)

0 / 68
ToolResourceDll.DLL (Tool Resource by IHS)  (5f59b65e3670acf715c7660a36393585)

0 / 68
SynDll.DLL (Syn by IHS)  (b46b3ca4603e1571855df78c9aa7836e)

0 / 68
ResourceExtDll.DLL (Resource extension dll by IHS)  (064e77064fef09c03c9bd31c850b87fb)

0 / 68
report32.dll (Fekete REPORT by IHS)  (4820731ed016abc0b5056546ca9fff7f)

0 / 68
proptabledll.dll (Property Table by IHS)  (3944ac95e04d80e689692cbb5eb40711)

0 / 68
Props.DLL (Props by IHS)  (3d123ec81a2bd86e2dacc0423be6b055)

0 / 68
PrintPreviewFrame.DLL (Print Preview Frame by IHS)  (a431d2c89d3a0062fa6bba267279da21)

0 / 68
PLoss.DLL (Pressure Loss by IHS)  (4b7f3e1fd8e702ae19df94f0756c09b8)

0 / 68
PLFTextImportDll.DLL (PLF Text Import by IHS)  (32d9b3211aaeab35f9a05518b8e4393d)

0 / 68
PLFPlotDll.DLL (PLF Plot by IHS)  (c25a94769c4305c312f5b3614caa4376)

0 / 68
PLFGridDll.DLL (PLF Grid by IHS)  (93fd4a1a6c9ef3e748cd52a03a37e5d7)

0 / 68
PASDll4x.DLL (PAS 4x by IHS)  (4a0b8f33a08cc4502dbd0a2abc82da74)

0 / 68
PASDll.DLL (PAS by IHS)  (92c37f23190a765f39fe6eaa97d1da6e)

0 / 68
ParGridDll.DLL (PAR Grid by IHS)  (9eb7d3d10e8b254207f98ae36eaaede3)

0 / 68
ModelDll.DLL (Model Dll by IHS)  (2b5e34bb322aef4343198c8e46d7c2cc)

0 / 68
MMGTypeCurvesDll.DLL (MMG Type Curves Dll by IHS)  (2a053b8f5ed3f42381284b57821504d3)

0 / 68
MMGToolUI.DLL (MMG Tool UI by IHS)  (88823fc2c7ae9e58de29963e2baed806)

0 / 68
MMGToolData.DLL (MMG Tool Data by IHS)  (0ac7d491986d3ee143f59ffd7dfa9dc5)

0 / 68
MMGTool.DLL (MMG Tool by IHS)  (5d9a7483872dd3e4616d1b80cacd22d4)

0 / 68
MMGSparseLib.DLL (MMG Sparse Lib by IHS)  (3924034c8a60e23b2909992ec5776d05)

0 / 68
MMGSchematics.DLL (MMG Schematics by IHS)  (222fcec8c1747a8aba829ffcf264a407)

0 / 68
MMGSchematicDLL.DLL (MMG Schematic DLL by IHS)  (729ed9e31a3b83320aed886df2998cc0)

0 / 68
MMGPlotHelper.DLL (MMG Plot Helper by IHS)  (000e0ccb3a95f76701c624a3134a0a14)

0 / 68
mmgnumgraphics.dll (MMG Num Graphics Dll by IHS)  (8b523e4512446abf26c165e72e2ddaaa)

0 / 68
mmgnumericalimport.dll (MMG Numerical Import by IHS)  (c617fd6525b956446d285e35a9ff2904)

Latest 30 of 252 files

The certificates below are also signed by IHS Global Inc..

352A4FF3B1C016A254D6027CF95DE398  (Jan 18, 2016 to Jan 19, 2018)

109DDA8070C55952D824875F63874244  (Jan 18, 2016 to Jan 19, 2018)

45A20FE71C899D3D9DF0878F02A09693  (Dec 08, 2015 to Dec 09, 2017)

2C41C59DCDB605E1196D44D85531E09A  (Jul 29, 2014 to Jul 30, 2016)

298692D3CCFE79290905D685D23D132C  (Feb 25, 2014 to Feb 26, 2016)

4273798D63709E567ED35487A78D42D2  (Feb 21, 2014 to Feb 22, 2016)

1C0A4EA7BAD4078066D5BF8981C06C6F  (Dec 17, 2013 to Dec 17, 2015)

335A3331802292E925056636D99B8150  (Feb 26, 2014 to Feb 27, 2015)

* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to IHS Global Inc. by VeriSign, Inc. on December 14, 2011 with the serial number '3d5349235313a593171bafe82f1b2d41'.