Indigo Rose Software Design Corporation
Publisher Information
Indigo Rose Software Design Corporation is a software developer located in Indigo, China*. Thre are 13 additional code signing certificates issued to this publisher.
Valid from:
2/11/2017 9:02:50 PM
Valid to:
2/11/2018 9:02:49 PM
CN=Indigo Rose Software Design Corporation, OU=Security Labs, O=Indigo Rose Software Design Corporation, L=Indigo, S=Indigo, C=CN
CN=VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G5, OU="(c) 2006 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only", OU=VeriSign Trust Network, O="VeriSign, Inc.", C=US
Serial number:
No known positive detections
The certificates below are also signed by Indigo Rose Software Design Corporation.
10 of 13 code signing certificates issued
* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to Indigo Rose Software Design Corporation by VeriSign, Inc. on February 11, 2017 with the serial number '887a45895a8e7c93495569a309c50617'.