Innostor Technology Corp.

Publisher Information

Innostor Technology Corp. is a software developer located in Taiwan*. Thre are 2 additional code signing certificates issued to this publisher.
GlobalSign nv-sa

Valid from:
3/18/2010 5:37:11 AM

Valid to:
3/18/2011 5:37:11 AM

Subject:, CN=Innostor Technology Corp., O=Innostor Technology Corp., C=TW

CN=GlobalSign ObjectSign CA, OU=ObjectSign CA, O=GlobalSign nv-sa, C=BE

Serial number:

No known positive detections

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issetup.exe (ISSetup by Innostor technology corporation)  (ad98472eae759826ad53d8513916b4cf)

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The certificates below are also signed by Innostor Technology Corp..

112195D65EC32E2C4AB604B4E6B1FECFC18A  (Mar 15, 2013 to Mar 15, 2016)

0100000000012EC7D14639  (Mar 18, 2011 to Mar 18, 2013)

* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to Innostor Technology Corp. by GlobalSign nv-sa on March 18, 2010 with the serial number '010000000001276f22d128'.