InstallX, LLC
Publisher Information
InstallX, LLC is a software developer located in Sartell, Minnesota in the United States*. The company is a primary distributor of unwanted software. InstallX (also known for and formerly W3i) is the distributor of the InstallIQ download and install manager, a distribution platform for adware and potentially unwanted programs such as toolbars, web browser plugins and other software. Brands include AppAllStar,, InstallIQ and NativeX. "To keep the product that you came in for free, we show advertisements during the installation process. These advertisements are free to download and completely optional for you." - ( Thre are 3 additional code signing certificates issued to this publisher.
Valid from:
3/22/2013 1:00:00 AM
Valid to:
3/26/2014 1:00:00 PM
CN="InstallX, LLC", O="InstallX, LLC", L=Sartell, S=Minnesota, C=US
CN=DigiCert Assured ID Code Signing CA-1,, O=DigiCert Inc, C=US
Serial number:
Scanner detections:
Detections (100% detected)
Scan engine
Reason Heuristics
PUP.InstallX (M)
Downloads URLs for files signed by InstallX, LLC.
Top-level domains owned by InstallX, LLC.
The certificates below are also signed by InstallX, LLC.
The following publishers (by Authenticode signature organization name) are related.
* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to InstallX, LLC by DigiCert Inc on March 22, 2013 with the serial number '030985b5a39f75a13a497dab8bf611f7'.