Invicion Inc.

Publisher Information

Invicion Inc. is a software developer located in Davie, Florida in the United States*. Thre are 2 additional code signing certificates issued to this publisher.

Valid from:
3/20/2008 7:00:00 PM

Valid to:
3/21/2010 6:59:59 PM

CN=Invicion Inc., O=Invicion Inc., STREET="13762 W. State Rd. 84 #102", L=Davie, S=FL, PostalCode=33325, C=US

CN=UTN-USERFirst-Object, OU=, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Salt Lake City, S=UT, C=US

Serial number:

No known positive detections

0 / 68
compuhost.exe  (e55cf19e2e61354489d212050033e07d)

0 / 68
fasttracks.exe  (accf047bcdf7078a593931703f7653f0)

0 / 68
compuhost.exe  (1e3cf2fc9a3fda3bcdb9a42e7b5c17d9)

0 / 68
compuhost.exe  (03146f321554ecd83c56786900df40fa)

0 / 68
compuhost.exe  (445cc1679e7ba658d65bf34ad258b14c)

0 / 68
compuhost.exe  (e642db69252ee67ea4921a62d8213e1b)

0 / 68
compuhost.exe  (1032973b98146402eceac91334669197)

0 / 68
cdgrip.exe  (6de60b884b209da615a95c24165cb588)

0 / 68
compuhost.exe  (d6e304cf71099ca588bf453b1702996d)

0 / 68
cdgrip.exe  (9ce00f66a0a25b562a271d4c241d49b1)

0 / 68
compuhost.exe  (965450c640f4bf6157f7f688b6184f17)

0 / 68
compuhost.exe  (938aa5459aec0f2e291e68f31d279799)

0 / 68
compuhost.exe  (8e834563ed087110998e22238c001def)

0 / 68
cdgrip.exe  (11c863fa44ecc550dee22d64fb4dc27a)

The certificates below are also signed by Invicion Inc..

00CAE7FCE920555BF35C19ADA296EB8015  (Mar 22, 2010 to Mar 22, 2012)

00D2C6B58F8BEE2205D9FC7EA815F5F1BA  (Feb 11, 2007 to Feb 12, 2008)

* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to Invicion Inc. by The USERTRUST Network on March 20, 2008 with the serial number '1f1170c45368ae385b82f3bd89c177e9'.