Jungle Co, Ltd.
Publisher Information
Jungle Co, Ltd. is a software developer located in 千代田区神田錦町3-15 NTF 竹橋ビル8F, 東京都 in Japan*. Thre are 6 additional code signing certificates issued to this publisher.
GlobalSign nv-sa
Valid from:
1/8/2015 5:42:58 PM
Valid to:
2/28/2016 6:28:59 PM
E=jung1e@junglejapan.com, CN="Jungle Co, Ltd.", OU=カスタマーサービス部, O="Jungle Co, Ltd.", L=千代田区神田錦町3-15 NTF 竹橋ビル8F, S=東京都, C=JP
CN=GlobalSign CodeSigning CA - SHA256 - G2, O=GlobalSign nv-sa, C=BE
Serial number:
No known positive detections
The certificates below are also signed by Jungle Co, Ltd..
* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to Jungle Co, Ltd. by GlobalSign nv-sa on January 08, 2015 with the serial number '1121715a6fdf25f681dc6e121203fa01f030'.