Lucidlogix Technologies LTD

Publisher Information

Lucidlogix Technologies LTD is a software publisher located in Keffar Netter, Israel*. Thre are 3 additional code signing certificates issued to this publisher.
VeriSign, Inc.

Valid from:
6/21/2012 1:00:00 AM

Valid to:
7/1/2014 12:59:59 AM

CN="Lucidlogix Technologies LTD ", OU=Digital ID Class 3 - Microsoft Software Validation v2, O="Lucidlogix Technologies LTD ", L=Keffar Netter, S=Israel, C=IL

CN=VeriSign Class 3 Code Signing 2010 CA, OU=Terms of use at (c)10, OU=VeriSign Trust Network, O="VeriSign, Inc.", C=US

Serial number:

No known positive detections

0 / 68
LucidServices.exe (LucidServices by LucidLogix)  (bf4af07ab2c74fb27be1a41f6e10ac66)

0 / 68
MVPControlPanel20.exe (MVPControlPanel20)  (6b0ce0b250b919f9fbbec63c23a5aa4c)

0 / 68
lucidoglu.dll  (5317cc4066d74bf1370e1e2c0b0d60a3)

0 / 68
LucidInterop.dll (VIRTU by Lucidlogix)  (ad1ad46831d83eaebc6ecc60fd2a0bfc)

0 / 68

0 / 68

0 / 68
loaderextension.dll  (0d9e18d9bdb4e9f823b93ddfc56c86ca)

0 / 68
gpuEnumerator.dll (VIRTU by Lucidlogix)  (09e9dcc8ebf094443f25379665e6c0b8)

0 / 68
Ekasrv.dll (Ekasrv by Test)  (3430381a8a9aba77b554629ff32f0b18)

0 / 68
appinit_dll.dll (Lucidlogix appinit_dll. by Lucidlogix)  (cb4d2180b5d6c06428c773cbb547a4b9)

0 / 68
GuiCommon.dll (GuiCommon)  (b2835e38d2ce6a30de2103fdd50b69df)

0 / 68
uninstall_gui.exe (killGui3)  (da43d4f89e1a5f7009d7378a2aa8cdd1)

0 / 68
LucidServices.exe (LucidServices by LucidLogix)  (22fd02e7d48040d3f9cdaaf972c54ca1)

0 / 68
gpuEnumerator.dll (VIRTU by Lucidlogix)  (45116cdf778f1877f5ea32785a85f2a9)

0 / 68
Services.dll (Lucidlogix Services. by Lucidlogix)  (5529b11fc62d90db194f8addd638b80c)

0 / 68
lucidoglu.dll  (032f962822c673e6a8787168a88e55d7)

0 / 68
lucidgpm.dll (VIRTU by Lucidlogix)  (a2e7e5968ab9e3683d00e474bc9a878e)

0 / 68
dynamix.dll  (d40c0fd26ea5ea6fc414e96e0d584244)

0 / 68
clrbridge.dll  (276001fb801638756a57fec16d6de3d6)

0 / 68
uninstall_gui.exe (killGui3)  (0ad4d399279a0b5917af3a9b8e649600)

0 / 68
unins000.exe  (a860a64b9a9b44bc5a4d44ea8ac0501d)

0 / 68
lucidoglu.dll  (4205f30c98dfe1f4edab712382d5a166)

0 / 68

0 / 68
dynamix.dll  (0437f3a9900c1650e7d5053258529a31)

0 / 68
clrbridge.dll  (6e1ab56e87e2a379c0cbf9333c4a274c)

0 / 68
appinit_dll.dll (Lucidlogix appinit_dll. by Lucidlogix)  (1589c74e4e34ff1e44e9c336f5297015)

0 / 68
virtuwddm.sys (VIRTU by Lucidlogix)  (b3625a9e60adc1a920119c6dc33c31e7)

0 / 68
lucidpci.sys (VIRTU by Lucidlogix)  (366aa192f7eb02007cabab4651f1e497)

0 / 68
lucidgpm.dll (VIRTU by Lucidlogix)  (01c53269c3e63feaeaa3f3f0b36095fe)

Latest 30 of 659 files

The certificates below are also signed by Lucidlogix Technologies LTD .

7665B0DA0AA3816AB31FED8DBD43DF7C  (Jun 23, 2011 to Jul 01, 2012)

5F1A41C1B762F8144580607CA262A04D  (Jun 09, 2010 to Jul 02, 2011)

0555402697CD9A0AAFD2212AC5E1DA3B  (May 28, 2009 to Jul 02, 2010)

* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to Lucidlogix Technologies LTD by VeriSign, Inc. on June 21, 2012 with the serial number '6d924bfd9fafef6a6b6b25d075659cba'.