Max Secure Software India Pvt. Ltd.
Publisher Information
Max Secure Software India Pvt. Ltd. is a software developer located in pune, Mh in India*. A majority of the programs developed by the company can be classified as adware or other potentially unwanted programs. Thre are 6 additional code signing certificates issued to this publisher.
GlobalSign nv-sa
Valid from:
6/29/2010 12:23:42 PM
Valid to:
6/22/2012 10:27:42 PM
Subject:, CN=Max Secure Software India Pvt. Ltd., O=Max Secure Software India Pvt. Ltd., L=pune, S=MH, C=IN
CN=GlobalSign ObjectSign CA, OU=ObjectSign CA, O=GlobalSign nv-sa, C=BE
Serial number:
Scanner detections:
Detections (100% detected)
Scan engine
Reason Heuristics
PUP.MaxSecure.Optional (L)
The certificates below are also signed by Max Secure Software India Pvt. Ltd..
* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to Max Secure Software India Pvt. Ltd. by GlobalSign nv-sa on June 29, 2010 with the serial number '0100000000012985618846'.