Maximilian Krauss

Publisher Information

Maximilian Krauss is a software developer located in Germany*. Thre are 3 additional code signing certificates issued to this publisher.
GlobalSign nv-sa

Valid from:
3/5/2008 9:40:58 PM

Valid to:
3/5/2009 9:40:58 PM

Subject:, CN=Maximilian Krauss, C=DE

CN=GlobalSign ObjectSign CA, OU=ObjectSign CA, O=GlobalSign nv-sa, C=BE

Serial number:

No known positive detections

0 / 68
UpdateEngine.dll (MKSoftware UpdateSystem by MKSoftware)  (401b14d02c487d8be82d0bf7232ad83d)

0 / 68
Update.exe (UpdateClient by MKSoftware)  (b3cd5da35aa22751660402c90288c01a)

0 / 68
ProductKeyRecovery.exe (ProductKeyRecovery by MKSoftware)  (31f279656348095e9a92655926a81c54)

0 / 68
UpdateHelper.dll (UpdateHelper by MKSoftware)  (09948a17f1225a228b68b290be81c4f0)

The certificates below are also signed by Maximilian Krauss.

0A32  (Jun 23, 2013 to Jun 23, 2015)

0380  (Jun 25, 2011 to Jun 26, 2013)

4B8278111DF198B0AD1670D719E04029  (Oct 23, 2008 to Oct 24, 2011)

* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to Maximilian Krauss by GlobalSign nv-sa on March 05, 2008 with the serial number '0100000000011880ace803'.