Melodics Ltd

Publisher Information

Melodics Ltd is a software publisher located in Auckland, New Zealand*. There is one additional code signing certificate issued to this publisher.
DigiCert Inc

Valid from:
11/13/2015 2:00:00 AM

Valid to:
11/17/2016 2:00:00 PM

CN=Melodics Ltd, O=Melodics Ltd, L=Auckland, S=Auckland, C=NZ

CN=DigiCert SHA2 Assured ID Code Signing CA,, O=DigiCert Inc, C=US

Serial number:

No known positive detections

0 / 68
Qt5XmlPatterns.dll (Qt5 by The Qt Company)  (988981821da305457ea90c54ac23564b)

0 / 68
Qt5Widgets.dll (Qt5 by The Qt Company)  (1e6efa17816a5202e0a217c3d99c3b92)

0 / 68
Qt5WebEngineCore.dll (Qt5 by The Qt Company)  (58d8bddf888654f71dbedd548036f888)

0 / 68
Qt5WebEngine.dll (Qt5 by The Qt Company)  (d5640b897ddfe683fc9749a9963fad5c)

0 / 68
Qt5WebChannel.dll (Qt5 by The Qt Company)  (7f1e454dc3637475132c9190e623a770)

0 / 68
Qt5Svg.dll (Qt5 by The Qt Company)  (aafaf1531efca72b94c0ac1c8915837f)

0 / 68
Qt5Script.dll (Qt5 by The Qt Company)  (22e10da43f19c37a1042f0d521563910)

0 / 68
Qt5Quick.dll (Qt5 by The Qt Company)  (214ef94adb4510fcfcd166f72208b8e4)

0 / 68
Qt5Qml.dll (Qt5 by The Qt Company)  (123afacb7258efd523bef33f3447b680)

0 / 68
Qt5Network.dll (Qt5 by The Qt Company)  (a133ce092a34cb68c170734f54a5f8ac)

0 / 68
Qt5MultimediaQuick_p.dll (Qt5 by The Qt Company)  (a6069625447f816f7c20355647d9efc5)

0 / 68
Qt5Multimedia.dll (Qt5 by The Qt Company)  (6e27e6ef89a26e3c76e71751343ad738)

0 / 68
Qt5Gui.dll (Qt5 by The Qt Company)  (5c3893ac169f4afd5c6c3e294e9a1a72)

0 / 68
Qt5Core.dll (Qt5 by The Qt Company)  (2d529bb99d46027f27f90028356e5537)

0 / 68
libusb-1.0.dll (libusb-1.0 by  (228092bbbe640212389b042522484ae7)

0 / 68
qtwebengineexperimentalplugin.dll (Qt5 by The Qt Company)  (9aaf5aaac1f124ee7ce19537fa1af295)

0 / 68
qtwebengineplugin.dll (Qt5 by The Qt Company)  (6f2cc77313378016e9c0f915f64211d4)

0 / 68
ffmpegsumo.dll (Chromium by The Chromium Authors)  (5057d3bcb3ac90e0cf43d44069424757)

0 / 68
declarative_webchannel.dll (Qt5 by The Qt Company)  (8636ebf35ca81549f3f5e7a242250c80)

0 / 68
qtquick2plugin.dll (Qt5 by The Qt Company)  (31e5eb1e8c3855751a498e92950c218d)

0 / 68
windowplugin.dll (Qt5 by The Qt Company)  (08bc564877ed96fec2aff00e1b86c6f1)

0 / 68
widgetsplugin.dll (Qt5 by The Qt Company)  (8755b4507317ffb11051cf28419c74ad)

0 / 68
qquicklayoutsplugin.dll (Qt5 by The Qt Company)  (745e73c2a9518e2b0ee1d53c75b7e38c)

0 / 68
qtquickextrasplugin.dll  (35163971b48b53cdd0dd86eac91b9a16)

0 / 68
dialogsprivateplugin.dll (Qt5 by The Qt Company)  (7e28b8ed3605d32a085c5eccd150d176)

0 / 68
dialogplugin.dll (Qt5 by The Qt Company)  (6c3076482273a58ef9a6c809fc4b6978)

0 / 68
qtquickextrasflatplugin.dll  (9f96e18ab29daf6b4e4c0e872ff92619)

0 / 68
qtquickcontrolsplugin.dll  (9325f9e6aab5fd5146973f1912b77c77)

0 / 68
qtqmlstatemachine.dll (Qt5 by The Qt Company)  (e10cf00bc8b8193c6de3d80b88fcc0ef)

0 / 68
modelsplugin.dll (Qt5 by The Qt Company)  (96569d6e32d7633ea7feb15a89410bd5)

Latest 30 of 5,798 files

The following certificate is also signed by Melodics Ltd.

0FC40B196F36CD751324A63AA624CCDC  (Nov 19, 2016 to Dec 22, 2017)

* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to Melodics Ltd by DigiCert Inc on November 13, 2015 with the serial number '09818420e1c01d9299dc24310c3e5bae'.