Microsoft Corporation

Publisher Information

Microsoft Corporation is a software developer located in Redmond, Washington in the United States*. Developes the Windows operating system and various additional products including Office, server software, Bing on the web, etc. Thre are 687 additional code signing certificates issued to this publisher.
Microsoft Corporation

Valid from:
12/7/2009 10:40:29 PM

Valid to:
3/7/2011 10:40:29 PM

CN=Microsoft Corporation, OU=MOPR, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US

CN=Microsoft Code Signing PCA, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US

Serial number:

Safe publisher

0 / 68
sqlde.rll (Microsoft SQL Server by Microsoft)  (a1063e6ce5867bc4bca239bde4ad432c)

0 / 68
runtimeelevatorjni.dll (RuntimeE Dynamic Link Library)  (b7a033d2837191a48482f0be538005eb)

0 / 68
proxyprocess_win.exe (ProxyPro Application)  (fdb7f326626c38e45924ce61571ef970)

0 / 68
proxyprocess_client.exe (ProxyPro Application)  (1f2583bf6fb54e1797f28765fff340f4)

0 / 68
oesiscore.dll (OESIS)  (f56fe8bf971ef4dcd29c85b86888ffba)

0 / 68
MSVCR80.DLL (Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 by Microsoft)  (73b68d531a9c0095eab57e06100aa093)

0 / 68
MSVCP80.DLL (Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 by Microsoft)  (3cfda34b43ea830dd44080a6b7b8f1ec)

0 / 68
impl_browserlib.dll (OESIS by OPSWAT)  (8201c2030eba1bacdd8882f9a3bc98ff)

0 / 68

0 / 68
v3gngkv01564 (Microsoft Outlook by Microsoft)  (8d59e799b1db58e47b6fa5f84044c50c)

0 / 68
msprindiv01.key (by Microsoft)  (e8cbce3e9341d8b2963de853ddc8eca9)

0 / 68
boie8_nbno_vis64l.exe (Internet Explorer 8 by Microsoft)  (53ceb7c5be3df710de0e4228692d16b3)

0 / 68
msprindiv01.key (by Microsoft)  (86ce13061a4ea8a60d4f9f4c0d3e4a9a)

0 / 68
filterpack32bit.exe (by Microsoft)  (a10a3fcef96aafbefc797dd2a1143625)

0 / 68
msprindiv01_64.key (by Microsoft)  (7f0a70d46ba139e4379b3ee5506bcfb5)

0 / 68
msprindiv01_64.key (by Microsoft)  (5b978643514e5db09820474f7f86e290)

0 / 68
msprindiv01.key (by Microsoft)  (98a8483b473956e77e323415a427e06c)

0 / 68
msprindiv01_64.key (by Microsoft)  (ddf04631342f94924802e4df87331fef)

0 / 68
WWIntl.dll (Microsoft Office 2010 by Microsoft)  (17d7886947bee491196c1a4bcacb70b4)

0 / 68
MSAIN.DLL (Microsoft Office 2010 by Microsoft)  (615e1afb2c8ec69e551d5d84be45aa64)

0 / 68

0 / 68

0 / 68

0 / 68

0 / 68

0 / 68
hotfixinstallerui.dll  (afc8f3d2c6623b5abd1bd3f5539882ef)

Latest 30 of 80,021 files

The certificates below are also signed by Microsoft Corporation.

2CFAD257C53604F0A8DCE6229F634DE4  (Nov 08, 2013 to Nov 08, 2043)

886AC3B07137FDAB421C03836D45A6AF  (Sep 14, 2015 to Jan 01, 2040)

B82CA4BDFEACF4A54BEC7232B1CEE7B3  (Oct 12, 2004 to Jan 01, 2040)

093490E6603F6DBA40D131B91E01B616  (Apr 04, 2015 to Jan 01, 2040)

7940994B304AA1AC4D2D64E6B7B8890D  (May 07, 2011 to Jan 01, 2040)

9D0550E00B6D5DA9407E28BCA4336CC9  (Sep 14, 2011 to Jan 01, 2040)

47360CF0294EC79A4B674C53744DB94E  (May 31, 2015 to Dec 31, 2039)

ABCD1D330A66FCAF4E9F41A98C00207F  (Mar 05, 2014 to Dec 31, 2039)

DAE3EDD7B31D678B4EF65968C64A5E04  (Aug 25, 2001 to Aug 25, 2030)

7C282B5614D3D39C43A61CF2CA6BE840  (May 31, 2015 to May 31, 2025)

10 of 687 code signing certificates issued

* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to Microsoft Corporation by Microsoft Corporation on December 07, 2009 with the serial number '6101cf3e00000000000f'.