Mirillis Ltd.

Publisher Information

Mirillis Ltd. is a software developer located in Zielona Gora, Woj. Lubuskie in Poland*. Thre are 3 additional code signing certificates issued to this publisher.
Thawte Consulting (Pty) Ltd.

Valid from:
6/23/2010 7:00:00 AM

Valid to:
6/24/2011 6:59:59 AM

CN=Mirillis Ltd., O=Mirillis Ltd., L=Zielona Gora, S=woj. Lubuskie, C=PL

CN=Thawte Code Signing CA, O=Thawte Consulting (Pty) Ltd., C=ZA

Serial number:

No known positive detections

0 / 68
splash pro.exe (Splash PRO)  (773ece813d5917ebad9dd3557fe92493)

0 / 68
splash_install.msi  (3037d492dbea24476a820d591f19b178)

0 / 68
splash_install.msi  (755c12a95ef3ba4d55653e0d65fb2767)

0 / 68
splash pro hd player 1.5.0 setup.exe (Splash PRO)  (e5230067acffeb212eefdad4cbdfbb28)

0 / 68
splash_install.msi  (50c94753582d0385ed41b2c60517954c)

0 / 68
splash_pro_1_4_0_setup.exe (Splash PRO)  (1102213a0f667742e1c9e7c94d8a8d0a)

0 / 68
splash_install.msi  (c71668ac0b3075a11d41ee7d31361c27)

0 / 68
splash_install.msi  (3ba97e40f4324b44090a34df50e2f35d)

0 / 68
splash_install.msi  (77dcd4c02afedb51c3369cbf152a4117)

0 / 68
zlib1.dll (zlib)  (f0feeae6b49cbcf0bd51ecd68b4399e5)

0 / 68
splash_install.msi  (9537617c2be3d7e955a5eddb0bae1b47)

0 / 68
splash_install.msi  (67a689ccbbb73f3bb799b742e442e231)

0 / 68
SplashPro.exe (Splash PRO by Mirillis)  (b5b75c55b31e43771556bc6fd6872365)

0 / 68
SplashPro.exe (Splash PRO by Mirillis)  (654cee24ae0ecb2af2b5f8a6688bd8de)

0 / 68
setup.exe  (155e2e61aee868292e748041c2cd939f)

0 / 68
splash_pro_1_0_0_setup.exe (Splash PRO)  (5306e509e2ac5db9ea0320f61b5ed02a)

0 / 68
splash_install.msi  (4602392499379c6b165a0420411e93ec)

0 / 68
SplashPro.exe (Splash PRO by Mirillis)  (59b688e983ec8d00a141473435bac54b)

0 / 68
SplashPro.exe (Splash PRO by Mirillis)  (b4ac086a15fe071da331386529aa4cc1)

0 / 68
SplashPro.exe (Splash PRO by Mirillis)  (77429ad405f81bacc6ebfa035f544804)

0 / 68
splash_pro_1_7_0_setup.exe (Splash PRO)  (37925d9936cf2fe1fa6dc0e66e68bdea)

0 / 68
libmfxhw32.dll (Intel Media SDK by Intel)  (8f44a4d1d221c0bebfb2671f2ec28d7a)

0 / 68
splash_pro_1_1_0_setup.exe (Splash PRO)  (6aa62e9ecca671831abb46fcf4534e14)

0 / 68
splash_install.msi  (2fa64efbed38390a585a30ab586068c1)

0 / 68
SplashProEx.exe (Splash PRO EX by Mirillis)  (4804a9fb771c7bba5e331d54cc670196)

0 / 68
splash_install.msi  (30d7960d91f713973153ccb41d465781)

0 / 68
splash_install.msi  (62ce1e866159712e947326aee244c69b)

0 / 68
setup.exe  (ac3c90b326e5b2bf2e0da9258c6c5e4e)

0 / 68
splash_lite_1_6_1_setup.exe (Splash PRO)  (915db07665b75e354d62409df35762f5)

0 / 68
splash pro.exe (Splash PRO)  (0e340eefeb5018e6cf7f35e6ed862856)

Latest 30 of 189 files

Top-level domains owned by Mirillis Ltd..

The certificates below are also signed by Mirillis Ltd..

4EC47743AFD1A531E35D83E11A81D327  (Jun 21, 2013 to Jun 23, 2014)

203E765CCA1D6014FAF2DF8C61943049  (Jun 22, 2012 to Jun 23, 2013)

29B3F926B23673917017826E581A734D  (Jun 16, 2011 to Jun 22, 2012)

* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to Mirillis Ltd. by Thawte Consulting (Pty) Ltd. on June 23, 2010 with the serial number '06cb7d43d6581b219e6843ff2747050c'.