Nival Inc.

Publisher Information

Nival Inc. is a software publisher located in Hallandale Beach, Florida in the United States*. There is one additional code signing certificate issued to this publisher.
Thawte, Inc.

Valid from:
12/4/2013 2:00:00 AM

Valid to:
12/5/2015 1:59:59 AM

CN=Nival Inc., O=Nival Inc., L=Hallandale Beach, S=Florida, C=US

CN=Thawte Code Signing CA - G2, O="Thawte, Inc.", C=US

Serial number:

No known positive detections

0 / 68
pwsetup.exe (Prime World by Nival)  (ea2cda0dd9864c4035a79237f1998c2e)

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pwsetup.exe (Prime World by Nival)  (2a0299b120efafebad5d304e8cf6811d)

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pwsetup.exe (Prime World by Nival)  (3749c244e7aabd023fde2ae406a44130)

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pwsetup.exe (Prime World by Nival)  (e12c843494fb2a862f389e4ef721f031)

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pwsetup.exe (Prime World by Nival)  (88a4888128692a43d5bd388fb5feda0b)

0 / 68
pwsetup.exe (Prime World by Nival)  (5c294439655121f6566a0876ed6e59d3)

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pwsetup.exe (Prime World by Nival)  (a5cfbb1cace45308764005a8148799cd)

0 / 68
pwsetup.exe (Prime World by Nival)  (e125810590ca5b040a80e5ae91d3623f)

0 / 68
pwsetup.exe (Prime World by Nival)  (644bdc6f4eb4dd7dc42b9876181941f0)

0 / 68
pwsetup.exe (Prime World by Nival)  (0408627de500f5ff6abe0e6e9077639b)

0 / 68
pwsetup.exe (Prime World by Nival)  (8567363542146e12fc3588c13198de0f)

0 / 68
pwsetup.exe (Prime World by Nival)  (28d4a20811db396f156b4c4d808b16cb)

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pwsetup.exe (Prime World by Nival)  (ceb20c69e64a03a7887e2180f5a14684)

0 / 68
zzimalauncher_darkage.exe  (df63287ca83f25a9fe76fbb4e60aa1c9)

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pwsetup.exe (Prime World by Nival)  (501ed54084cd20c30b293c4c59c2d2be)

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pwsetup.exe (Prime World by Nival)  (036ddd0b068ca9c4a9cd4cb947a01de8)

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pwsetup.exe (Prime World by Nival)  (4806d4ad0fe40fa4504a77f50fab003d)

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pwsetup.exe (Prime World by Nival)  (d320fd28631d6773c28e2e68168bab47)

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pwsetup.exe (Prime World by Nival)  (a1281b15ccfb1642bd678bf57ea3acb3)

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pwsetup.exe (Prime World by Nival)  (431491c8ee80275fef94121563c81267)

0 / 68
pwsetup.exe (Prime World by Nival)  (4bee6708ba68ad93823119edd0fb6092)

0 / 68
pwsetup.exe (Prime World by Nival)  (f6cb1c07754bc9c5f3a426915c923ecd)

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pwsetup.exe (Prime World by Nival)  (c3ac9ed6117fca5f0a2ad3b623b32c1a)

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pwsetup.exe (Prime World by Nival)  (83c59af3f113bcbd35dd78e2b78afda8)

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pwsetup.exe (Prime World by Nival)  (d3bd85e93f89d2f5a4536a0db544e37a)

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pwsetup.exe (Prime World by Nival)  (d70a4df30d49d1da0a942642ce39f31e)

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pwsetup.exe (Prime World by Nival)  (345d24a0c19679dfe9cd4426128db903)

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pwsetup.exe (Prime World by Nival)  (8f9b13d61f51d57c8090bfae8738061b)

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pwsetup.exe (Prime World by Nival)  (e4539c2332b9d134023226275dfc1a70)

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pwsetup.exe (Prime World by Nival)  (5ad5fb05216bd0f201b7cf66fed4c57b)

Latest 30 of 5,601 files

Downloads URLs for files signed by Nival Inc..

The following certificate is also signed by Nival Inc..

2DDCFCA74F9BDEEEDF5C6A5A3A098EDE  (Dec 08, 2015 to Jan 07, 2019)

* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to Nival Inc. by Thawte, Inc. on December 04, 2013 with the serial number '4bf018fbc074eb6f714fb317f4e80e80'.