Rare Ideas, LLC

Publisher Information

Rare Ideas, LLC is a software developer located in New York, New York in the United States*. Rare Ideas runs the PortableApps.com website which delivers a portable software solution that is open source and free and works on any portable storage device, cloud drive, or installed locally and includes a collection of open source software as well as compatible freeware and commercial software. Founded by John T. Haller. Thre are 10 additional code signing certificates issued to this publisher.

Valid from:
2/16/2010 1:00:00 AM

Valid to:
2/17/2011 12:59:59 AM

CN="Rare Ideas, LLC", O="Rare Ideas, LLC", STREET=PO Box 227, L=New York, S=NY, PostalCode=10009, C=US

CN=UTN-USERFirst-Object, OU=http://www.usertrust.com, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Salt Lake City, S=UT, C=US

Serial number:

No known positive detections

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7-ZipPortable.exe (7-Zip Portable by PortableApps.com)  (87bbc7f7b705b1f52a545e03c6290e3a)

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7-ZipPortable.exe (7-Zip Portable by PortableApps.com)  (bef654b6c92d1dd22c81c6a9e8c449cb)

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Latest 30 of 944 files

The certificates below are also signed by Rare Ideas, LLC.

00AF1C39067A47228C4799A88F1C31EEE8  (Feb 19, 2017 to Feb 20, 2018)

00C305C21B2AE2979F1788FC7ABB06F7DF  (Feb 22, 2016 to Feb 22, 2017)

15B54C4329830BE0EE060C493A7B1DFD  (Feb 23, 2015 to Feb 24, 2016)

47B7C800D703CD79B6A796AF5A705523  (Feb 19, 2014 to Feb 20, 2015)

03B4EBEA7AE80B259DFF94904506F5DA  (Feb 15, 2013 to Feb 16, 2014)

00932FC9AF0EFA79D8A3F771681FE20334  (Feb 16, 2012 to Feb 16, 2013)

00F834CE8642C3F3FBC05BAA2BF87E94F9  (Feb 14, 2011 to Feb 15, 2012)

00D9F8CA799A3A3CAA829067BD5A7DEAEF  (Oct 01, 2009 to Oct 02, 2010)

0D9D4E7C428222B393ACF703F89CAADB  (Sep 28, 2008 to Sep 29, 2009)

18CACC0CAAEC5064AD4630D781603D8A  (Sep 27, 2007 to Sep 27, 2008)

10 of 10 code signing certificates issued

* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to Rare Ideas, LLC by The USERTRUST Network on February 16, 2010 with the serial number '1a3526a1cab8a8d6926eff44e133238b'.