
Publisher Information

reaConverter is a software publisher located in Novosibirsk, Russia*. There is one additional code signing certificate issued to this publisher.
Symantec Corporation

Valid from:
10/19/2015 2:00:00 AM

Valid to:
1/18/2018 1:59:59 AM

CN=reaConverter, O=reaConverter, L=Novosibirsk, S=Novosibirsk, C=RU

CN=Symantec Class 3 SHA256 Code Signing CA, OU=Symantec Trust Network, O=Symantec Corporation, C=US

Serial number:

No known positive detections

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photoconverterpro-setup.exe (by reaConverter)  (ed9e57a59ccf02af13bad337dbfa9222)

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photoconverterstandard-setup.exe (by reaConverter)  (729faf7b76d428faf880e1b3dee24188)

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photoconverterpro-setup.exe (by reaConverter)  (54538694aedfd8ce3a4e129e965605fb)

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photoconverterstandard-setup.exe (by reaConverter)  (eb02a35d0aa32a0c97ae9e22462ffdc9)

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photoconverterstandard-setup.exe (by reaConverter)  (5817af619215646272dcd0cfbf1c2a49)

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photoconverterlite-setup.exe (by reaConverter)  (8acdfb4ec50a8484296b64a48bdaa72f)

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12dc54e3_stp.exe (reaConverter 7 Pro by reaConverter)  (886f1b4eaeb975ef081483512fa088ab)

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photoconverterstandard-setup.exe (by reaConverter)  (605aba192a7da53a4bf341d50b62d75f)

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photoconverterlite-setup.exe (by reaConverter)  (ad67b76563da3d252d26d15261f001f2)

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Latest 30 of 623 files

Downloads URLs for files signed by reaConverter.

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The following certificate is also signed by reaConverter.

58B7A0690E2A7C3E63AAF96A22E595E5  (Dec 21, 2014 to Dec 22, 2015)

* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to reaConverter by Symantec Corporation on October 19, 2015 with the serial number '75b771d9a91835c1dcbe312daebc0356'.