Realore Studios

Publisher Information

Realore Studios is a software developer located in Kaliningrad, Kaliningrad Region in Russia*.
VeriSign, Inc.

Valid from:
8/22/2011 3:00:00 AM

Valid to:
8/22/2014 2:59:59 AM

CN=Realore Studios, OU=Digital ID Class 3 - Microsoft Software Validation v2, O=Realore Studios, L=Kaliningrad, S=Kaliningrad region, C=RU

CN=VeriSign Class 3 Code Signing 2010 CA, OU=Terms of use at (c)10, OU=VeriSign Trust Network, O="VeriSign, Inc.", C=US

Serial number:

No known positive detections

Scan engine

Bkav FE

0 / 68
farmup.exe (FarmUP by Realore Studios)  (e7d36fc75ef361a958da49516817484e)

0 / 68
farmmania_es.exe (Farm Mania by Realore Studios)  (1891d4c56e28eb89c3957da746a0be5b)

0 / 68
turtleodyssey.exe (TurtleOdyssey by Realore Studios)  (f5127665b07a4c2d91e63636c7d72a6c)

0 / 68
28796aeb_stp.exe (FarmUP by Realore Studios)  (bf3b66d0237ee80eac98b1fc2837c576)

0 / 68
janes_realty_ru.exe (by Realore Studios)  (ca85501034c223566c9f54d5670876da)

0 / 68
roads_of_rome_2_ru.exe (by Realore Studios)  (3c7fd189b2f0d1d4a9ba5ded47be9ffb)

0 / 68
farm_mania_2_ru.exe (by Realore Studios)  (6d719a1db7b4c6dbfe46b045c7e4a018)

0 / 68

0 / 68

0 / 68
ageofjapan_1_2.exe (AgeOfJapan 1 & 2 by Realore Studios)  (6b010738f11a205d52434c668e0bf06a)

0 / 68
roads_of_rome_en.exe (Roads of Rome by Realore Studios)  (82f7b3729f8dcbfe5d6f8de36f73324d)

0 / 68
northern_tale_beta.exe (Northern Tale by Realore Studios)  (37ecffaf27f2c1b461982613e177e930)

0 / 68

0 / 68
island_tribe_2_en.exe (Island Tribe 2 by Realore Studios)  (a9677e84c84b6c9cb1a87e91da4c8233)

0 / 68
island_tribe_4_ru.exe (by Realore Studios)  (446a26b964bad63578fb96efdf7c4cc5)

0 / 68

0 / 68
janes_zoo_en.exe (Janes Zoo by Realore Studios)  (cb1ea8f583d73288f0ec8bb2434f0da8)

0 / 68

0 / 68
island_tribe_en.exe (Island Tribe by Realore Studios)  (006f501779d777852d96977c365f211d)

0 / 68
farm_up_en.exe (Farm Up by Realore Studios)  (f0f2a550b46b22164688af39a4b02093)

0 / 68

0 / 68
roads_of_rome_rus.exe (by Realore Studios)  (9fce9da5cba10fb7cbdd66aed954fbb6)

0 / 68
island_tribe_3_rus.exe (by Realore Studios)  (a3024ddb42b2171f7613a879492d74f8)

0 / 68
aquapearls.exe (Aqua pearls by Realore Studios)  (5a9508492902025dfe64f6bef04628a3)

0 / 68
bubble_ice_age_en.exe (Bubble Ice Age by Realore Studios)  (799d315e38e12c54352d61c54e92c972)

0 / 68
turtle_odyssey_en.exe (Turtle Odyssey by Realore Studios)  (4bed364dd7ad5238a17a0ff9f2f5038f)

Latest 30 of 219 files

Downloads URLs for files signed by Realore Studios.

0 / 68  (ba03f8919ddeae1dd015bc1cb6ce11ed)

0 / 68  (5efae92cae9b74931449b6d61a9183ae)

1 / 68

The following websites host and distribute files published by Realore Studios.

* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to Realore Studios by VeriSign, Inc. on August 22, 2011 with the serial number '40696db9720004076180ea41eebbfd0e'.