SAfe download gtl

Publisher Information

SAfe download gtl is a software developer located in Dublin, Ireland*. The company is a primary distributor of unwanted software. Thre are 18 additional code signing certificates issued to this publisher.
thawte, Inc.

Valid from:
3/1/2015 7:00:00 AM

Valid to:
1/28/2016 6:59:59 AM

CN=SAfe download gtl, O=SAfe download gtl, L=Dublin, S=Dublin, C=IE

CN=thawte SHA256 Code Signing CA, O="thawte, Inc.", C=US

Serial number:

Scanner detections:
Detections  (100% detected)

Scan engine

Reason Heuristics
PUP.Outbrowse.SAfedown.Installer (M), PUP.Outbrowse.SAfedown.Bundler (M), PUP.Outbrowse (M), PUP.Outbrowse.Bundler

1 / 68      (Adware)
setup.exe (Setup)  (22e4b675483ff12a15707371c6826c8f)

1 / 68      (Adware)
non confermato 225137.crdownload (Setup)  (d044ff4399b3b10abc01ebf9381665ba)

1 / 68      (Adware)
setup.exe (Setup)  (8ca1a5a51191ff029584a8e22b35603b)

1 / 68      (Adware)
setup.exe (Setup)  (3018b58e77c01b1454930c7486b4530f)

1 / 68      (Adware)
setup.exe (Setup)  (9b95ee67e3ea66217e5b2659e68bb99b)

1 / 68      (Adware)
setup.exe  (7a10725253760e2a1b25255e983edec0)

1 / 68      (Adware)
Setup.exe (Setup)  (655ef3dc7fd2215097bd83ca8581d516)

1 / 68      (Adware)
{blocked}.exe (Setup)  (83cb969d6450bfa8b053fe666055a3c2)

1 / 68      (Adware)
{blocked}.exe (Setup)  (652d16d89a0438857852bb4ea34a9473)

1 / 68      (Adware)
setup.exe (Setup)  (7b6667f6245b087feecfc1ba2082fcec)

1 / 68      (Adware)
setup.exe (Setup)  (5238a711ab09b5f49e94250b868d7f28)

1 / 68      (Adware)
setup.exe (Setup)  (b4130218952bf39e17a9abd53f69eb44)

1 / 68      (Adware)
vlc-2.1.6a-win32setup.exe (Setup)  (ed2d61156f3ec786e4856598da4bb011)

1 / 68      (Adware)
rollercoaster tycoon 3 platinum full game.exe (Setup)  (9b6c4eb39bc27f554d0e2e4edaa2d21e)

1 / 68      (Adware)
1rfbdvak.anw  (0af0a67af4449dec4bf0dc7ed1afbfbb)

1 / 68      (Adware)
odin v3.07_2.exe (Setup)  (0b49e48ea829922f7083bde24626ffb2)

1 / 68      (Adware)
odin v3.07.exe (Setup)  (611bb9fed390caebbd44323b55eb7aca)

1 / 68      (Adware)

1 / 68      (Adware)
setup.exe  (2f54cda5b0c6d05355dbda922cf77b3a)

1 / 68      (Adware)
setup.exe (Setup)  (ef6c8754ac1a4ba6024e21bef2bcdf2c)

1 / 68      (Adware)
setup.exe (Setup)  (2454014d5fe62e645d5973d847a60dd2)

1 / 68      (Adware)
setup.exe (Setup)  (2ee59d94ffca8940d2bd7713d08a7749)

1 / 68      (Adware)
setup.exe (Setup)  (100b1cc66001c40e7c39e4c11ec0e364)

1 / 68      (Adware)
setup.exe  (c16d80a698f7b01c50caa7715f6d34ba)

1 / 68      (Adware)
1kpjttqk.tp2  (504f860fe24c713395f9d8fb7ef71244)

1 / 68      (Adware)
setup.exe (Setup)  (fe3e5b5777c4687023baaf25c8438132)

1 / 68      (Adware)
Setup.exe (Setup)  (ba769ec22727b4dab1146c819e576a54)

1 / 68      (Adware)
deep fritz 13 full games crack.exe (Setup)  (d2a745ca5554b558afe550abb49755b1)

1 / 68      (Adware)
deep fritz 13 full games crack.exe (Setup)  (74d7ed17d4d9bcf0e0b6e68aba774981)

1 / 68      (Adware)
setup.exe (Setup)  (e5bc3a66d7985401b7ad5e007aecd5f7)

Latest 30 of 74 files

Downloads URLs for files signed by SAfe download gtl.

The following websites host and distribute files published by SAfe download gtl.

The certificates below are also signed by SAfe download gtl.

69CC55B6077EC8DA48D66E1527EEB161  (Apr 08, 2015 to Jan 28, 2016)

02724984FE4B2A74DEBCD4865380B7ED  (Jun 04, 2015 to Jan 28, 2016)

14A25C18D3A961BACA6D7C2A3D718B0A  (Jan 27, 2015 to Jan 28, 2016)

192FD0582FF4A089E022A8269E29823B  (Apr 30, 2015 to Jan 28, 2016)

4D753B2AA88378503DFD6C737E4D9BB1  (Nov 10, 2015 to Jan 28, 2016)

52C30E423F995D6F84A108D53F985864  (May 28, 2015 to Jan 28, 2016)

263ED9CA1E1EB9DDF77844540EB8042F  (Apr 12, 2015 to Jan 27, 2016)

2F97ABCC05BC3B564497EC9E69ECC926  (Feb 26, 2015 to Jan 27, 2016)

40E518817F8504A5C7C7E38B8840856D  (Apr 21, 2015 to Jan 27, 2016)

04DC360F2C51DF27FBB32CA79D999219  (May 03, 2015 to Jan 27, 2016)

10 of 18 code signing certificates issued

The following publishers (by Authenticode signature organization name) are related.

* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to SAfe download gtl by thawte, Inc. on March 01, 2015 with the serial number '561eb78cc36593ffa0ab34cb8f670f07'.