Saul Perec
Publisher Information
Saul Perec is a software publisher located in Israel*. The company is a primary distributor of unwanted software.
Unizeto Technologies S.A.
Valid from:
5/14/2014 9:28:08 AM
Valid to:
5/14/2015 9:28:08 AM
Subject:, CN=Saul Perec, O=Saul Perec, C=IL
CN=Certum Code Signing CA, OU=Certum Certification Authority, O=Unizeto Technologies S.A., C=PL
Serial number:
Scanner detections:
Detections (100% detected)
Scan engine
Reason Heuristics
PUP (M), PUP.SaulPere
1 / 68 (Adware)
9658.exe (53e21d16c6b2e5ac6cda331745ac64f1)
1 / 68 (Adware)
2f1c.exe (fa5ad9311ac021495ebba7e6661d28e5)
1 / 68 (Adware)
7460.exe (129579f85d39fefb6485e2d726475a53)
1 / 68 (Adware)
610.exe (45efe85315968244c22d9fad0d83c66b)
1 / 68 (Adware)
6918.exe (ba18dde931ed10f6719608496eba4fa9)
1 / 68 (Adware)
ca60.exe (e3397c6cbc2dc78bb6e33a7e7eab9292)
1 / 68 (Adware)
10f0.exe (ab3368e25e32a1c2d4d890c26703559a)
1 / 68 (Adware)
6600.exe (818a253e4d01f77f85afdb0307327fc1)
1 / 68 (Adware)
4280.exe (4ddc39996eacceeaea67485278cd8e9b)
1 / 68 (Adware)
4320.exe (3ecfe8178c874336a1f56221e99cfc4c)
1 / 68 (Adware)
71f4.exe (1df5ed3db15000389cc014564f1762b5)
1 / 68 (Adware)
d5c0.exe (d98b7a4badc784d0e8d01d35f97985f0)
1 / 68 (Adware)
900.exe (cfaaa28c10dd95d61b95edecf0042e2f)
1 / 68 (Adware)
4e88.exe (f6d832cc4bc5c7d800c77099d301db1c)
Downloads URLs for files signed by Saul Perec.
* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to Saul Perec by Unizeto Technologies S.A. on May 14, 2014 with the serial number '2ac2f1af8b123f15cf3a74fd16b0f22c'.