Publisher Information

SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION is a software developer located in Suwa-shi, Nagano in Japan*. Thre are 13 additional code signing certificates issued to this publisher.
VeriSign, Inc.

Valid from:
8/31/2015 7:00:00 AM

Valid to:
9/8/2016 6:59:59 AM

CN=SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION, OU=Information Service & Support Department, O=SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION, L=Suwa-shi, S=Nagano, C=JP

CN=VeriSign Class 3 Code Signing 2010 CA, OU=Terms of use at (c)10, OU=VeriSign Trust Network, O="VeriSign, Inc.", C=US

Serial number:

No known positive detections

0 / 68
pxm741f_x64_232ja.exe  (31a753be26f1d5ac93084ea2de1ac067)

0 / 68
xp100_x64_701ushomeexportasiaml.exe  (93b84065b779e4cbeadd1e988e064760)

0 / 68

0 / 68
epson514332eu.exe  (19482616323dd5fa63dbd90a0d2018f7)

0 / 68
xp210_ww_win_3792_41.exe  (b964ce75d35b21dc38eee2857786a1f7)

0 / 68

0 / 68
l360_x86_222jaushomeexportasiaml.exe  (510d83eaacdcc2c8e45358eef3f94d75)

0 / 68
l360_x64_222jaushomeexportasiaml.exe  (beff098d37947448b929618d1f1bcc12)

0 / 68
l120_x64_211ushomeexportasiaml.exe  (28fb131ee5438fec608059bd0d1dfdf1)

0 / 68
813a6db34e3b0a2fa967e703058cbfac3a6d9c6e  (35fcff600bfdc02c8af952a85a587156)

0 / 68

0 / 68
wor320_asia_win_3772_41.exe  (52278b9575dfb84373641440164640b1)

0 / 68
wor320_asia_win_3772_41.exe  (abd399f4c3da8b7d2e086dbb83fed763)

0 / 68
l210_ww_win_3793_42.exe  (4abed8a3c31f9ff4bd84a4a0b38192d6)

0 / 68
l120_x86_211ushomeexportasiaml.exe  (4bb5a3d556aa3196c90fbaf954c440e6)

0 / 68
l210_ww_win_3793_42.exe  (0f008341fc960c3a7a6a641c8be1903f)

0 / 68
l210_ww_win_3793_42.exe  (255d3a3f1e16e72ca07a2f80a3072e39)

0 / 68
l210_ww_win_3793_42.exe  (4a206111701dfebe9bc6f505286fd6f7)

0 / 68
813a6db34e3b0a2fa967e703058cbfac3a6d9c6e  (ba40b489e40a9521ada01a20cea3bdee)

0 / 68

0 / 68
EDAAgent.exe (Epson Device Admin Agent by Seiko Epson)  (3a163e3c9790faf88aa32e08881ec51f)

0 / 68
pxk701_x64_154ja.exe  (6e0abef1eb34e46fd61882f1ee13f15e)

0 / 68  (8be9d0df3590940b6d0bf7674b0906b4)

0 / 68
365342f2634f078207bea10ef0b728ca45d43a90  (42776e4d8bf29f8652e06445b977fcb5)

0 / 68
epson_lp-s6160_ja_10_web.exe (by SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION)  (6d913a00841286eadccf02664d5b3544)

0 / 68
l360_x64_222jaushomeexportasiaml.exe  (445f31257a278361252a8d266d78db0a)

0 / 68
l120_x86_211ushomeexportasiaml.exe  (4bb5a3d556aa3196c90fbaf954c440e6)

Latest 30 of 962 files

The certificates below are also signed by SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION.

27BE45D040B6F6BA892A9457D10C919F  (Sep 02, 2016 to Oct 01, 2017)

61909F3F8B9706C042B08547A3D76E81  (Sep 01, 2016 to Oct 01, 2017)

4837768FDD89F0BB867E06EB1A5B062B  (Aug 30, 2015 to Sep 06, 2016)

7849FEABCFBAC29213B3B80F32A87F64  (Aug 26, 2014 to Sep 03, 2015)

634FE38B609E3AA93133249F759D9A3F  (Jul 01, 2013 to Sep 01, 2014)

0150B1D803F9F70294A501581DB63264  (Jul 05, 2012 to Jul 06, 2013)

7524DBFE413001B3B345768A4F60DF46  (Jul 13, 2011 to Jul 13, 2012)

2F7A25FAD4E4CD1F5D5F97D3A9F85AC8  (Jul 20, 2010 to Jul 21, 2011)

5626C0F3DAFB592F94A9F1E25AD55D68  (Jul 23, 2009 to Jul 24, 2010)

0D8970466E635B3D2993BE8BF78D437E  (Aug 03, 2008 to Aug 04, 2009)

10 of 13 code signing certificates issued

* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION by VeriSign, Inc. on August 31, 2015 with the serial number '7df14dbb3f0b294012d094e3ea840697'.